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Everything posted by billgates

  1. Brandish Leave a reply here if you're interested.
  2. Do NOT use, it is not accurate. The only one that has correct data is this one, you will need to translate as well as cross check actual monster and item names with pmfun.
  3. 160 pieces of Coal and 100 pieces of Varnish available for sale, starting price is 100 adena/piece.
  4. ​ ​ [​Just to emphasize a point] ​It's not like I have a choice, you are underestimating how hard it is to find a party.
  5. ​That was precisely my thought, either x3 amount and chance at x1 or make both x2.
  6. I want to know what the rest of the people who are playing a spoiler think about the x2 chance and x1 amount, I am playing a scavenger solo at level 21 right now and I am struggling with money. I honestly expected I would be making more out of spoil. Although I do get more gold from the spoil items I sell, all other races/classes are able to kill monsters a lot faster than me to the point I am questioning whether its even worth playing a spoiler in this server. I believe the x3 adena amount and x3 drop chance versus x2 spoil chance and x1 spoil amount kind of make spoil less powerful than it should be, all fighters and mages from other races can kill mobs easily while I kill 1-3 and then have to rest until my HP is back up so in the end the extra items I sell might not be enough to gain adena advantage over them. Any thoughts are welcome.
  7. ​If you use Google translate, you can found everything in this database, your mobs HERE. ​ I don't think so, I already did the translation and went to Abandoned Coal Mines but there is no mob with that name there.
  8. Thanks although it seems I am stuck at the Dwarven area and don't have enough adena to travel there. I am trying to find which mod this is right now. I am suspecting it is the goblin brigand lieutenant but I am not sure.
  9. ​I already found it on the website but it is in russian and it doesn't show where it is on the map, I need help finding it in-game.
  10. I am looking for someone who speaks russian and understands english to help me find this area. The should be a mob there called "Защитник Гоблинов" which drops the recipe for Leather.