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Everything posted by TheRealTuna

  1. Increasing the amount of CoL instead of the price of CoL would result in severe deflation of the value of individual coins. 1,000 for 10 euro? So for 10 euro I can buy 10x 30 day premium upgrades? That would mean for 10 euro you have premium account for almost a whole year. It makes much, much more sense for the price of individual CoL to increase. Being able to afford premium accounts and offline shops and brez and bsoe is desirable, but DEFINITELY not required to play or succeed at the game. It makes much more sense for these services to be very expensive than very cheap. I would much rather have a few players running around with premium accounts than everyone on the server. Especially as a buffer main, since I have to wait an eternity for any party because people all have their PPs or whatever boxed in another window. Besides when all is said and done, 10 euro for 30 days of premium is completely fair, and lower than many other subscription based services. Just the fact that people are allowed to get this service without donating and by spending in game currency is something they should be grateful for. Why is 5k the fair price for CoL for current "market flow"? What is that based off of? That seems to just be an arbitrary number that you'd be happy with, without any form of reasoning for why it would suit the current market. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't like the fact that CoL price is skyrocketing. I WANT to see a lot of shops in Giran and Dion. But what is happening is a natural economic response in accordance with what is happening with bots and adena sellers. I definitely agree that more things could be added to the Nostalgia shop to increase the usefulness of CoL. I don't really think offline shops should cost CoL. They should be free. Who on earth is going to stand in front of his computer screen and stare at his character while he has a shop activated? Because this is a new server, there is already a severe lack of equipment for sale. The economy is extremely weak right now. If you examine a more developed server without any offline shop restrictions, you'll see a TON of shops up with all sorts of gear. This is what our Giran should look like, not a pathetically small pocket of shops in one corner of the town. Please, make offline shops free. More shops, more availability of materials and equipment, stronger economy, happier player base.
  2. At lower levels, I agree with offline shop being more expensive than profit you make from selling mats and stuff...however, there are tons and tons and tons of buy shops for stuff like that, which means you don't need to open an offline shop to sell your smaller stuff. You should only invest in CoLs if what you're selling far exceeds the price of 1 CoL. For example, people selling Top D weps, sage staff,'s very worthwhile for them, because the potential profit would far outweigh the 1 CoL cost. If you get a piece of equip that you need to sell, your best bet is to shout it -- you don't NEED to set an offline shop to sell stuff; it's just a perk, and because it's just a perk, it requires donation currency to utilize. If anything, blame botters / adena sellers for the spike in CoL price. As their prices get better, the comparative benefit of donating for CoL decreases. What happens is that CoL becomes more expensive, to keep up with the progressively lowering rate at which botters are selling adena, to try and convince people to keep donating and not to buy adena from third parties. You don't need any of the things you listed to play. As with offline shops, donation services are perks, and because they are perks, I don't think it's too serious an issue. With that said, I think offering a subscription plan for offline shopping could be a great idea! They already have "subscription model" dual boxing in the form of premium account, so why not with offline shopping?
  3. ​200% / 9 = 22.2% for each Player. 170% / 7 = 24.3% for each Player. So with 7/7 gets everyone per mob even more EXP than 9/9 Also you must run between the Kills to the next mob, so that kill rate is not significantly higher at 9/9 to 7/7. So only the EXP% it could not be. ​Even if the percentage of exp is slightly slower per kill, having 2 extra people in a party drastically increases the speed at which your party kills stuff. Think about: PP, SWS, BD, 4x Archers vs. 6x Archers. 2 whole archers more for 2% less per mob? That is definitely worth, and will definitely increase the capability of parties to tackle more challenging stuff. Also just the fact that, as someone said before, people who have played L2 came to the server expecting the capability to party with 9 of their friends. Not being able to is just a let down.
  4. So still no WW buff for Warcryers with next update? Omg... ;_____________; #snailspeed4lyfe
  5. Introducing an auction house to promote / allow the legal bartering of in game stuff for real money is extremely smart. It is an intelligent way to combat botting and the illegal sale of adena for money, while still allowing people to purchase things for money if they want. This will develop a legal, third-party economy that will help the server grow. People who want to farm for profit are now able to legally, and this farming will in turn help saturate the market with much needed materials and equipment. "This is just gonna make this server even more pay2win!11!!11." Cmon people, L2 is probably one of the least p2w games out there, and getting to the point of really being p2w would cost a person an insane amount of money to the point where I doubt anyone would invest enough to become imba. Let's do a quick calculation: Based on the onslaught of spam I get from adena sellers, it seems like the current rate is $5 per 1kk of adena. Let's say we are looking to OE an Akat Bow so we can p2w many nubs. An Akat is approximately 5kk in today's market, which equates to $25 for an unenchanted Akat. To get it to the safe +3 you'd need 3 EWC. Each one of these is ~1.5kk. 3 of these would cost another $25, roughly. To get a +3'd Akat would cost $50 in money in today's market. Every + beyond that has a 60% chance of success, which means a 40% chance of failure (afaik, if enchanting is the same now as it was back in the day). So, with each enchant, you are risking your entire monetary investment. If you fail, you just wasted a minimum of $50, and every time you succeed, that value increases. You could easily spend $1,000 and end up with nothing but a bunch of crystals from broken weapons. You may also end up with a really nice weapon if you're lucky -- but even so, there is only so much that one player can do in Lineage 2. A +10 Akat is scary, but counts for significantly less in the chaos of sieges or group clan wars. The real threat is not that the game is p2w, but that botters acquire things for free, and so they can acquire imba equipment by paying nothing; THOSE are the people who threaten the server by being imba, NOT people who pay for currency and donations. So, even though I definitely support the idea of the auction house, and definitely don't think it will result in a p2w situation for the server, there are a few things that I would definitely adjust. 1) 50% commission is absurdly high. People are not going to accept selling their items for half the value of the item. At this rate, people will probably still try to back-alley sell their stuff so they don't have to pay such an insanely high commission. The whole usefulness of the auction house, in my opinion, is to open accessibility to items for players, and to combat the third-party economy run by bots; in order for it to actually do this, the commission needs to be lower. I feel like 25% commission is a sensible point, at least for now. 50% commission screams "I want money" at the player base, and that is not the kind of culture that should be embedded in the server. 2) What safeguards are in place to ensure that nothing gets stolen? Right off the bat, I was scared that the page would somehow get hacked and that I would pay money but would receive nothing in return, effectively having someone steal my money. What assurances do the admin provide to ensure that this won't happen? Will I get reimbursed if my money somehow got stolen? There are a few other things that I am skeptical about with regard to the Auction House, but I really gotta take a shi t, so I'll stop here. Overall am definitely excited to see this being introduced. I love L2, but I don't have time like I used to to grind out materials and stuff, so, if executed properly, this will really make my experience on this server much more positive.
  6. Hi all, Looking for an active clan/cp. Usually on every day after work. Pref english speaking clan. Thanks! IGN: TheRealTuna
  7. Afaik: 1) Each hit is half the total patk. 2) Defense applies normally to hits 3) Soul shot consumption is as it is listed on the wep (for example, if it says 3x, then its just 3x, not 6x). Some argue that duals are shot-inefficient because if you hit with one swing and miss with second swing, shot is still used, meaning you only get half the effect of a shot for the full price of a shot. Some have tried to show that because this one-hit-one-miss situation doesn't happen too often that it doesn't really affect the efficiency of the wep that much, and because duals have among the highest patk of all weapon classes, they are actually more efficient than average. Not sure which is true, but overall, it doesn't seem like they are particularly cost inefficient.
  8. Offering 200k. PM: TheRealTuna EDIT: Closed!
  9. Offering well. Please let me know if you find any of these. IGN: TheRealTuna
  10. Got several offers so far for 7kk. Rejected these. Keepin price at 10kk. If it doesn't sell, am happy to keep usin em!