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Everything posted by TheRealTuna

  1. Title! Blunts I'd trade for = Atuba, Staff of Life, Bonebreaker, can even add a little for them too. IGN: TheRealTuna
  2. There is a glaive crafter sitting in Dion near GK now. GL!
  3. Bump! Happy to pay a nice fee as well!
  4. Standard case of both sides being too skeptical about the price of something to be able to value it properly...both sides are too scared of paying too much or accepting to little for the item in question, so both sides go back and forth saying, "soooo, what do you think about the price for this piece?" Easiest way is really to just have the seller set a price, but for stuff that doesn't have clear-cut pricing -- like high-enchanted items, for example -- this scenario is almost always gonna happen. If you insist on taking offers and not setting a price, don't be surprised if you get offers you consider to be low-balled. It's just always easier if the seller admits up front what he expects for the item. Better get used to it!
  5. PM Me @ TheRealTuna / TheSassyTuna please, thanks!
  6. As 35 Orc Sham, when I use Paagrio's Gift/Blessing, it affects all party members...I thought that isn't supposed to happen in Classic? Can someone confirm whether this is working as intended or not? Ty!
  7. I am considering rolling an EE to join the clan Seems like noone on earth needs a WC for some reason
  8. Hi! As stated in title, Lv35 Orc Sham LF English Clan. Pretty active most evenings and w/ good gear. Planning on going WC, but if requested, may go OL for clan if it seems dedicated enough! IGN: TheRealTuna
  9. Title! PM Me at TheRealTuna if you have either of these!
  10. Hi! Was wondering if it is possible to add SAs to weapons in this version of L2. Thanks!
  11. I'd much rather have a server of 100-200 real players than a server completely full of bots. Doesn't make sense to compromise anti-bot policies because it will lower the amount of people online. Any functional server is built upon the efforts of real players, not fake ones.
  12. Hi! I'm a Lv32 WC interested in joining when space is available! Till then, if you need a WC for a party or somethin, feel free to PM in game! IGN: TheRealTuna
  13. TheRealTuna

    B> EADs

    Still buying EADs! Sell me ones that don't break all my stuff!
  14. Banana Suit! Class and current level - Orc Shaman, Lv30 (planning on going WC, but if clan becomes serious enough, I'll consider going OL) Where you live - NYC Why do you play l2? - MMOs these days are horrendous and too easy, used to play L2 back in the day, nostalgia wins once again. Something else you enjoy? All sorts of vidjo games, my bunny, etc. You don't bot and you plan on playing here for a long time and consistently? - Affirmative! Level of English? (other languages?) - Fluent, some Spanish. IGN: TheRealTuna
  15. ​Thanks for the reply! Regarding mob colors, I am aware of that info. Right now I'm leveling on white mobs and it's going fine, but seems slower than it should be. I'm not really sure where else would even be an option though (going AC atm). Think I will hunt those x2 orcs when I hit 25, unless I can get into an AoE party...otherwise doesn't really seem like there are too many options in classic for leveling
  16. Hi everyone, First and foremost, server is great so far! Nice to be taken back to the early days of L2 I wanted to ask you guys if you had any ideas regarding efficient leveling from levels 1-40. I'm currently Lv24 Orc Shaman and am leveling slowly but surely, but am just kinda on my own and grinding on normal mobs. Apart from joining an AoE party, are there any spots in particular that you guys have found to be effective in classic? Thanks for the advice!
  17. Dang, oh well. Thanks anyways! Maybe I'll stick around regardless
  18. Whole point of my playing atm is so I can level with wolf, but i dont see npc for quest will we be getting this soon by any chance? ty