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  1. shiri

    Perkuno klanas

    Reikia lanku klane? "Shishiri 32 lankas siandien tureciau buti 33.
  2. 32 ir as tuo patenkintas. Kolkas. Nera kur skubeti, reikia megautis zaidimu.
  3. There are bots here, just report them on forum. You can check daily ban list, something like 100 characters are being banned every day. As for items, there are plenty of shops selling/buying key parts of weapons and mats, I myself made two bows, sold one of them for some nice $$$.
  4. 1. Get a friend, trade all your items 2. Die and die and die again just to die again. OR 1. Find a secluded location. 2. Kill mobs. 2*. Some friends would do nicely with this too.