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Posts posted by Lev

  1. Hello.

    I'm thinking about creating color chat with some nice message like spoil pop-up. How ever before spending time on it, I would like to ask about the server policy on this.

    Will custom color chat or l2.ini be tolerated on release?

    Also im planning on sharing my efforth with the community :ph34r:

    ​Is there any guide to do this? I just love to see different colors on my chat :D

  2. A better suggestion is to make 50% cheaper the teleports until lv40.

    ​this will work maybe, as u will still have to think about some teles, at least until 25

    ​this will work maybe, as u will still have to think about some teles, at least until 25

    ​Adena will be a BIG issue in this server, no one will use teleport a lot, only a few, even at 50%.

