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About Synextasia

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  1. ​Your post doesn't have any info in it. ​But it has the most important thing of all time: sarcasm.
  2. LOL, awesome classic feature, class change... What's next? 50€ for lvl 70 character?? What a joke of a server...
  3. ​rofl, this guy knows alot about this game... Not
  4. ​People are still on their 40's? Shame...
  5. ​Hummm, uhhh..... Sieges? Ever heard of them?
  6. ​Still better than walking arround on an empty server... And it'll, for sure, have pvp videos with more than 1 minute. People still watch pvp videos? Is it 2006 again? Hey man if you wanna throw money away, go for it. But you're lying to yourself if you're pretending that innova isn't going to be the same clown fiesta thats on any other l2 server. People are always going to find an excuse to quit their l2 server and move on to another one. Its nothing new, and the same will happen to Innova eventually. The difference is you're not required to spend money on this server. The people who are advertising that they're moving servers also remind me of a baby crying for attention. You dont have to announce in party / shout / forum / chat / etc that you are leaving. Just go. No one cares. Its just annoying at this point. Hell people server hop l2 servers so much, it should be considered an e-sport at this point. ​Hmmm, k.
  7. ​Still better than walking arround on an empty server... And it'll, for sure, have pvp videos with more than 1 minute.
  8. lol, the awkward moment when, the "drama" of the server is between 2 partys, and not clans or alliances... Population++
  9. So whoever says something that you don't agree with, is toxic? That's something of nazi germany my friend... We're past that time, I suggest you go beyond that aswell. It's the third time you use adjectives to define me, and that pretty much shows me the extent of your character and personality, so I will refrain from arguing with you any longer. Peace.
  10. As harmful and childish as saying "UPDATE 2.0 SOON", or, "2 or 3 days after bot protection, party will be fixed", the staff did this to themselves, they don't need me to sink their server more, they can sink it pretty well on their own... And I never went off topic, just expressing how I feel about a new update, it will probably never come as they aren't even able to fix what they've got right now... But if it ever comes, great! Good for you. I just think people need to start thinking objectively and for themselves instead of falling for false propaganda.
  11. I didn't ever say you need to donate to play here, what I referring to was: why would you announce a big update before you even fix what you've got?? It just doesn't make sense to me, and again it's completely misleading... Trample, there are servers out there that have decent bot protection for months, without getting cracked. And for sure they don't tolerate bot spamming in town for days on end... But I guess that like me, someone that's always "complaining", or should I say, pointing the obvious, there's always those willing to lick the boots out of every server like they are their gods or something... Anyway have a good one.
  12. I guess what's missleading and probably marketing fraud is your banner with all caps "UPDATE 2.0 SOON" even though you guys aren't even able to fix party system, and you knew about it before the start, but the administration went ahead and launched the server anyway, too eager to get that cash in... I'm not saying it's an easy task, but it's completely game breaking, and you should have taken that into account, before launching. Not to mention, launching the server without a decent anti bot protection, and 1 week later after uber bot protection was implemented, it got cracked. What a pity. Now that's misleading.
  13. I didn't and it seems less and less people are willing to do so.