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Posts posted by Stiba007

  1. Chineses guy did from you slave. U kill RB for them, master pick up drop. All is fine. Babies are crying and dont shame others own naivete.

    I remember like we killed/dropped everyone on RBs on 1.5, we took RBs for self and useless players were crying like this and normal players fight about RBs, many of them bring their high lvls and fail with RBs debuff. ?

  2. 1. I didnt say nothing bad about her/him, because i dont know her/him. I just read references on discord. Read post more times if monkey like you cant take information for first time reading.

    2. If u want talk shits on me, show me first your ingame nickname and stop be like mostly cowards here.?


  3. Who care abour pricinple? Its cruel Adens world. Weak dogs must wait in town on zerg.?

    First than u want crying about it, show me like u are farming with 7-8 boxes on macros longer time, 90% crying people about it are only jelous players.

    Some people havent time losing time and farm on 100% effective, others are hiding and farm 2-3mobs in shadow.

  4. 2 minutes ago, FryderykChopin said:

    And that's exactly where NCsoft f**ked up, this feature should've never been implemented.

    Why? Beacuse people are no brain?You can drop them very easy, if you are not tard or only one pt zergunas hunting 1 untaged destro with army of boxes. ????

  5. :D

    1 hour ago, Rip said:

    Maybe tell us a story how u lost yaska +15 

    I had yaksa +15? 

    Wow,Im waiting on this story too, how i lost this weapons + tell me when i took this weapon, maybe u can write Sansei and he can ask Kure, Mr.Noone say some next interesting lie  about me.?

    For your info, i was farming over 3hours only on 11floor yesterday. So than u will saying me some amazing story about dragons, wizards and old Queen Podla with young horny princes boy Rip like defeat Allmighty UNTAGED Stiba and dropped from him Yaksa +15, just think little bit about it. 

    Yes boy, u can still be bigger tard than this little kiddo running in crumo tower, screaming that u losted way to Core and u cant find right way and u feel soooooo alone. 

    giphy.gif PS: Dont worry use words your daddy Demoss and close this topic with wise words!!!

  6. :D

    1 hour ago, Sensei said:

    stronk untagged flames :D

    Yes, its all me and its so fcking awesome if i farm ToI over WK/WS prime time and little greedy girls crying in town and watching on me with cameras hours and hours and after cry about it on discord. ?

    Btw, Do you remember who were farmer untag in SV? ? Wow, your friends....

    Its funny like crying people from Kids and Tards CP on my untag team, because all server remember which sh.t were playing untag everytime for hero.

    1 hour ago, Rip said:

    Don't flame stiba or he will insult your mom

    Good boy, daddy is pride on you. If u still cant find way to Core, for your wise words i can learn where is Core room. U dont must wasting again over 30mins like last time.


  7. :D

    16 hours ago, Sensei said:


    My dear fan, can you explain me point of this pic?

    You are this brownhair lady and you are proud that Myrciu meet your parents and blondie lady is Kure and telling again lies that he is momy and i have his/her babies??

  8. :D

    7 hours ago, Kure said:

    Ehhh... Stiba..and PvPing? I dont believe that.

    U dream about Stiba, u hate Stiba, u write nonstop about Stiba, u lie about Stiba, u emo quit from server because of Stiba.

    U are very sad person, my dear noone from Stiba's fans club.

  9. :D

    3 hours ago, driver said:

    moral support

    Which moral support? Screaming b.tches from Anathema everytime when enemies kill them in AB and they were crying on TS: "Where are TT and why not helping and exp in AB with us?"


  10. Zdravím, 

    tento klan už není aktivní, používám ho z původního jádra jen já a Lafi + pár přátel, občas chodí oly Fusso a Laste na CSka. Zbytek poctivého jádra zažívá baby boom, staví dům, plánují svatbu, prožívají čerstvou zamilovanost a nebo kariérní růst, takže l2 šla úplně stranou a v kontaktu jsme už jen na FB.

    Čechů a Slováků tu na serveru najdete dost, pozor ale co jsou zač, já osobně s hrtskou původních TT hrajeme ve Wanaliho CP u SM, převážně cz/sk parta lidí a pár fajn cizinců.

    Zkuste navečer napsat na postavy jako Aja/Wanali/Croo, ty Vám k tomu řeknou víc a třeba se s nimi na něčem domluvíte...


  11. :D

    2 hours ago, driver said:

    i dont even belive that u think so, but you have to support them. how we supported stiba even he was weak.

    Tell me more about support me. If u dont want here, can you do it to pm?

    Im just very curious who and how support me. This topic is all in all very funny for me.

    Talks about greedy/ doing drama/ trash or untags make me huge smile on the face and remember me like people are jealous and hypocritically.

  12. .

    On 6/1/2018 at 11:31 AM, Stiba007 said:

    WTB:  EAB per 1.4kk, send mail like payment on Rosenberg

    WTS: Berserker blade 17kk

              BW Tunic 10kk

              BW Gaiters 7kk



    Pm here or ingame on Rosenberg  


  13. 1 hour ago, Xavierwulf said:

    and after pvp SHT0RM says "wait for tommorow rape" for pvp event ... he means <w8 for the tommorow zerg> ? cause they cant 2v2 pt vs nonfactors.. right ?

    He didnt write to you. If u check video, around time 2:08 ToI started quake and 2:09 monstrum coming on show.? 

    SH1Torm wrote me this message. They are spending little more adena for pking me if they want stop my farm and on pvp they have little problem fight per 4%.

    Not only him is little mad from my ponies army.


  14. On 7/9/2018 at 9:07 PM, ProGressive said:

    If u literally dont care about PVE and think only mass pvp go warlords. Even withouth mana with bows they will do more damage than mages withouth mana.

    offcourse setup typical fighter stuff.









    Tank for party ud

    Just traitor of horses army!!! Delete Armbar or change on necro.


  15. Soon @San0 come back from his secret honeymoon with 12boys in the Thailands cave, he start again write news about fixes to update forum.

    On GMs twitter you can read about huge surprise on 3rd anniversary this server and some talks that Jack Sparrow will be with us.


  16. Simple solution for next event. Add all items from event 30days limit and after remove it from game. You change playing on server for short time period and after all return back to normal.

    Now, you absolutly stopped PKing people. No reason pk cowards w/o clan for 600k if he bress self for 40k. 

    People made and still making huge supplies bress, CPs probably have together more than 5-10k bress maybe more.

    Main question for me still is how long GMs think about rewards?

    Because a lot of people dont will buy premium acc for long long long time, people probably never more will buying bress/bsoe if they splitted on more chars in CP or buffers/cams bress.