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Posts posted by Stiba007

  1. 3 minutes ago, elfyyy said:

    The crash actually harm us way more than you
    When server came back came back, 90% of us were in the middle of your clan because of rollback and died instantly, we had 4-5 people left which were the ones that killed tommy the first time


    Maybe you really take it next siege, but having to hold their hand to do it must sting, because nightwolves couldn't handle 1 pt of TotallyToxic on their own, let alone our full clan :P

    Come on, NightWolfs save your castle, little respect for them. You stop my cast if not more than 1 second left us to finish cast. If NW dont fight with us, we can be more rdy on your first wave. 

    This guy who stop cast had very nice position behind pillars, anchor is b.tch.xD

    It was funny CS, gl/hf all on next CS too. (w/o DC)

  2. 16 hours ago, Lafi said:

    just a theory

    Wtf? Its not theory. Example Poseidon is not stupid and he can kill ES which run away on mount. 

    Its ridiculous all this topic. Tell me why we arent in nexls boring movie? Tell me why all ES dont gank us anymore after few deaths?? 

    Nexls and others from his ally die or bsoe so manytimes vs us in SV and if they bring full activ pt on 1/2activ 1/2afk pt, we didnt fight and we go play LoL, if zerg camp there. Simple resolution.

    L2 Classic is mainly about equip/lvl. 80lvl Magnus is very strong now, but people will hit same levels for some time, better equips, skills after 3rd transfer and magnus will be weak and weak vs them and its reason why NCsoft add summoners dmg skills on higher patch. is little different, because peole hit top lvls and next patches have huge delay. 

  3. Just say him true about numbers, about your new boyfriend ludovikos, etc. Its simple. Good guy add to you and he will not care about more. Still better have more enemies than day by day farm in zerg.

    He like pvp, we fight vs him yesterday manytimes and your ally people. ;)

  4. 33 minutes ago, FryderykChopin said:

    a) Woah sorry didn't think about it. Yeah leveling few chars to level 25 would be such a exhausting work it could cause some people to get PTSD. Especially since having multiple traders is a custom feature by default since on offi you have to pay for each acc /but that's just a detail/

    b) You didn't give a reason why, just saying it's stupid can make you look like that kind of cool guy who doesn't look at explosions but as an argument it doesn't work.

    B) Because most of us understand why. If u finish AoE farm after 3-4hours and u send materials/keys/recipes and full drops on your dwarfs banks, u rly dont want losing by it tons of time. Very simple reason why it is stupid.

  5. 5 hours ago, Anytime said:

    I actually assumed that I explained my plans for the final victory clearly to you two on Friday night  ...

    The "Führer" is disappointed.

    PS: Stiba has already rejected the alliance request (which more or less declares him outlawed).

    Wow wow wow, slow down honey. I dont want read or listen others crazy theories about me.xD

    Crying Kure on WS stream was extreme fun for me, but cmon, stop giving them fresh impulse!!!

    For freeeeeeeeeedom!!!!;)


  6. 1 hour ago, Ludovikos said:

    Thanks all for your appreciation. To complete the story, i want to say some things about Sayomi :) 

    After i returned him the item, he offered me position in cp whenever i want, asked me if i want to play sws lvl 76 and said he will help with b grade equipment since i got lvl 52 yesterday.

    Without Sayo's "mistake" nothing of these could exist :)

    Also, a friend told me that my action was right cause Sayo is a good guy!


    Good guy, but terrible navy soldier. 1/2 greeks war fleet destroyed one newbie for first month. :|

  7. 4 hours ago, JerrySM said:

    Malaka my Friend.. :D

    Short story here:

    3635255-1453061001117798448-1468403877-650-9ca5e0256e-1468506276 (1).jpg

    U probably didnt understand my PRO native London's english. xD

    Why ex-WK? Ex-WK are on Dex, they didnt tell me something about SM. Right now im confuse. You are not from Asia? Or you are and baby on the road" with someone from ex-WK -> wedding time -> sure for BIG LOVE, not because baby and they know more???

    Time to install again QQ?:o

    Long story??? Hmmmmm....

    Are you pregnant and u dont want talk about it? God miss some woman and he did virgin conceive with you???

    Dont afraid boy, u can tell me long story with details, Kiam told me worst things what happend him in schools showers and only me and he know about it and i still like this little gorgon.

    Back to game, if u will be on maternity leave, u will have tons of time on "Drama line" on Classic club.

    "JUST DO IT!!!" Im waiting on it....;)Thx.

  8. 1 hour ago, ekiM said:

    Hello, bored with official Chronos pay to win bullshit so i figured i would go back to classic. Got a few questions concerning classic club, if anyone wouldn't mind taking some time to answer that'd be awesome :)

    How's the server population? Active pve? pvp? sieges?

    Is it worth it to start on the server? I know new players gets some benefits to help speed up the lvling, but is it really worth it to start when most of the players are all 76+ ?

    Since we cant dual box for free (lol) is there a npc with basic buffs on this patch?

    Considering most clans are recruiting 70+ from what i've seen on the recruitment forums, what are good classes to lvl up fast now and what classes are needed the most later?

    Any english speaking clans recruiting or it's mostly all russians now?


    Population on Classic club is split to 3 prime times. America > Asia > Europe

    U can find here 3 bigger ally.

    WK - China/America

    Blue ally - Asia/America/ little Europe

    WS - Europe

    Every ally had/has and will has good/bad times. Right now, blue ally has big crisis. Europe prime time is only pve time right now. U can see very nice fight during America/Asia between WK x Blue ally.

    U can find many no sides randoms clans. But be careful, many of them are dual chars from high lvl no lifers. 

    No npc on buff, but people are selling buff in GH with their buffers. U can use party matching and u can build friendship with other players and from friends build own CP.

    Before you is very long way, so u can learn more about history server and all sides. U will see than u hit 76lvl+, situation on server probably will be changed. 

    From start, dont believe noone. Most of players are not loayal, they play for own profit, be careful by killling RB, by build CP and by choice side. U can be very long time neutral guy and prepare for big neverending war.