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Posts posted by Ethanas

  1. Lemme explain what i meant :)

    The fight tfd lost we were 2 parties - yes and you fight against 1 party that dual box sws/bd (thats not a fight)

    However before the ant nest, we were 2 parties. I show u the cc. You were 3 parties at least and you almost lost - I see there almost ALMOST 1 complete cp and others are players from different cp's mixed with fighters/mages...

    In other situations where there atleast 2 of our complete CP fights are not even worth recording... :)

    Hope u understand know :)

  2. Dude your talking about fights were there no full cp.. im talking about fights in your video... the only fights i see is you zerg 1 cp with 2 or 3 parties or a fight were there are 2-3 our complete cp and u get destroyed....

  3. Well first of all Innova wasnt on when this server started. 2nd innova is too hard for me, i mean the time i need to spend on it. 3rd administration is really really good here... adding to this point they care about players in all ways: they help if your in problem, they discuss about minor changes, they care about everything :) 4th the balance about paying to support the server and the benefits you get in game are in really good balance (hope it wont change) 5th the whole server itself is nice.. there are people in community that tries to help for newcomers and the ones that are here with there knowladge (keep up the good work guys)... And i can come with even more points but its not necesary... :)

    • Like 1

  4. We were talking about oly, then you start talking about pve. Pve you do mostly in groups and pvp you do mostly in groups.

    In oly you do 1v1 and if you have bought +8 best weap from auction you win the fight, even if you fail with tactics (not always ofc). So if oly would be balanced it would bring more fun competing  and more respect to heroes. Pve has nothing to do in this thread at all. Same as this photo of my friend



    ​Loool, is this Merkurio ? :DD

  5. I really find hope in people when i see such posts... 100% my opinion, as i tried to state it in other posts. I am 52 lvl, have prp 52lvl. I have best c weapon, 3 best C armor set's, best craftable B/C juwelery and yet i dont find my self even halfway there what i can have here and i think i have more then the average player. I'm not trying to impress if you might think so, because i dont have anything special, im trying to explain that there is so much to do here and i just cant understand how players find it boring... And they want something more when they dont have everything they can here... I think these players will leave and stop playing here even if they would get the update asap.... Like author of the post said to you all whiners - good luck, we wont miss you.

    • Like 4

  6. Even after PK Scroll change you will still be PK'ed all the time, you should cry for it... Hm.... Still you will get PK'ed by PK chars that will never even try to clean it. I wonder what could i cry about that? Ohhh lets cry for example for the system that if you have like 100k karma points, you cant target unflagged chars? How about that? LETS GO BABIES!!!

    Damn... I didnt played l2 for like 4-5 years and then i found about classic, witch bringed me back so good memories... And i'm really enjoying it. FOR NOW. Because with this cry babies community i think that sadly i soon wont be. Maybe im wrong and i dont remember clearly, but i think that there we're no such weak players back in days... People put your shit together... All the time i check forum there is atleast 1 post with same people crying for different stuff... They lose war against better players - lets go to forum to cry about how unfair it is. You tired of the game and dont have idea what to do next - lets got to forum to cry about the update... You dont find a party - lets go to forum to cry about how people are leaving the server... You get pk'ed - you go to forum to cry about it...

    Sad community for real... I get pk'ed, i die to war, sometimes i dont have where to farm due to war but i have never, not even had a thought about going to forum to post any useless post about it....

    I voted 1 cuz i think its how it has to be and how it was meant to be!

    It's so boring... Why do you all think that changes are being made in order to remove PK as a part of gameprocess?

    You think that it will not change anything? ok, then stop whining about it

    ​Stop going too deep into the text, theres nothing hidden there. Im not talking about the removal of PK's. Im talking about people whining for every difficulty they get in there way instead of trying to overcome it. And this poll to change the current system is nothing more but an outcome of weak players whining in forum.

  7. This whole change is so bullshit... I wonder what will be next...? Free SSX? - because its hard for noobies to lvl, you should cry for it... Free XP Scrolls? - Even after PK Scroll change you will still be PK'ed all the time, you should cry for it... Hm.... Still you will get PK'ed by PK chars that will never even try to clean it. I wonder what could i cry about that? Ohhh lets cry for example for the system that if you have like 100k karma points, you cant target unflagged chars? How about that? LETS GO BABIES!!!

    Damn... I didnt played l2 for like 4-5 years and then i found about classic, witch bringed me back so good memories... And i'm really enjoying it. FOR NOW. Because with this cry babies community i think that sadly i soon wont be. Maybe im wrong and i dont remember clearly, but i think that there we're no such weak players back in days... People put your shit together... All the time i check forum there is atleast 1 post with same people crying for different stuff... They lose war against better players - lets go to forum to cry about how unfair it is. You tired of the game and dont have idea what to do next - lets got to forum to cry about the update... You dont find a party - lets go to forum to cry about how people are leaving the server... You get pk'ed - you go to forum to cry about it...

    Sad community for real... I get pk'ed, i die to war, sometimes i dont have where to farm due to war but i have never, not even had a thought about going to forum to post any useless post about it....

    I voted 1 cuz i think its how it has to be and how it was meant to be!

  8. And even, i'm trying really hard to bring people in server but is way too difficult to convince them, since they took 3 days just to reach lvl 20 and 1 month for level 40. And even losing 10 % each dead, dropping under mob... Something need to change.


    ​the problem of hardcore is that hardcore must stay for years

    I had played on hardcore server 2 years, and got level 30, then server closed

    the same on official - they got GOD chronicle where 30 level can be reached in 2 hours and your 2 years long work gone forever


    so if you want play you must choose server 100x where you can play all game features before it closes or becomes GOD

    this is sad reality of l2



    ​Can you tell me witch server you played on that to get lvl 30 it tooked you 2 years? And what rates where there?

  9. Another crying post about server is dying, change something or my clan is leaving...

    You should really do some research about the server, chronicle and what you really want from it before you decide to start playing there, because this server is how it has to be!

    Here is the server promotional video:

    What i suggest to everyone who is crying is to watch the video over and over until you realize that THIS SERVER IS SUPPOSE TO BE HARD, REALLY HARD.

    So can you please stop creating these useless topics??? Use this time to play... And if you find this server too hard just leave... Don't try to change it because there are way more people playing then your clan. And those players enjoy the hardcore gameplay they get here.

    And yes it is possible to get 20 lvl in 2-3 hours just with best no grade, witch you already get now for free.



    • Like 2

  10. Its funny how 5 people flaming/flooding here and pretending to be "all server". When there will be mass topics from different players, tons of reports and so on then u can call it ,all server, because now all i see is 4-5 players trying get rid of the ones they are getting raped by. So enough crying, start playing morons, stop going the easy way. And if you are too weak to admit that u are not capable of playing that good to be top cp/clan/player of the server at least don't make these shity topics. Thank you.

    P.S. Even that video in other topic about pride using some sort of stuff to disconnect while casting skill is more suspicious then this...


  11. I agree that this was a bug, but it had, IT MUST have been fixed before the server start, due to how big impact it has on the game. Its the same like making rates 10x and after 1 month lowering it to 7x and trying to explain that it was a bug that everyone who played for 1st month used to get more XP then they should... What would you do if you would come to server like this? I personally wouldnt play in it because of the disadvantage that i will have compared to the ones who started 1 month earlier... Like im still suggesting this server to my friends to come to play and im like this server is great, awesome memories comes back and so on... For example if they come: they start playing, lvling, trying to get the better gear, asking what i did to make more aden and im like saying "you know... there was a bug that we all had aden drop from all mobs, so it was way easier for us to get the gear and to lvl faster while using ss and still making profit ... " :D This thing is like a block to new players. In my opinion this bug should have left unfixed. I really hope that at least players that started since the beginning wont leave! Gl everyone and sorry for my english. Not my native language.