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About boxel

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  1. boxel

    Phantom Cubic

    WTS spellbook summon phantom cubic or trade for SB haste or 5kk pm Boxel...
  2. Para quem nao me conhece in game meu nick e Boxel 52+ e tenho um PP 52+ tb , estou a procura de suportes SWS\BD\SE\EE\WC\OL e um paladino magos e fighter AOE, galera que joga de 18:00 as 00:00 vlw um abraço a todos BRs.
  3. pm in game Boxel or email , good price ...
  4. boxel


    mine was in vain, you and donor
  5. boxel

    GMs urgent

    I made a new account, and did not win the pack, and scroll to pick up weapon in top grade, name: Theprom4ximus, look at that for min want leveling kkkk ...
  6. cool if there was a site to see drop and spoil, the l2 classic, and the top 10 lvl server on the site ...
  7. procuro clan tb , Archer e pp , so manda pm Qissufera lvl 30+ ...
  8. boxel


    parei de joga a 2 anos atras , joguei des do c1 , joguei as chronicas novas mais as q gosto , é até o interlude , quero fazer parte , no momento estou com meu profeta Qissufera lvl 30 ...
  9. gms congratulations, to make a non-dual box server, without bots, so I hit standing ovation, plus the donation if the guy wants a bow C can even donatar smoothly, if the guy wants to enchant, he who creates a spoiler and takes the enchants, now the guy could donatar 1000 enchants 100 bows happens that one hour will even, respect everyone, so it is difficult ...
  10. boxel


    po mano até queria fazer parte dessa pt , mais cade os players do servidor , o forum desvaziou , muita gente reclamando do bow +16 q apareceu em um mês de jogo , to com pé atras com esse servidor ...
  11. I think the server and good, more like ta donation is hindering rather the classic L2, which even gun +16 already have kk for becomes clearer, could put the Top 10 lvl, and something else the server is going through several bugs, plus the staff ta packing little by little, I think this server had q be classic, none of these new update that kills the game if and relembrr the old days, to customize ....
  12. é galera ja vi que o negocio ta feio no servidor , muita gente saindo , queria a opnião de vocês , como o cara comsegue 10 bows C e 50 enchants , pode isso ARNALDO kkkkkk ...
  13. boxel

    +16 ?

    crystal enchant . the best server !!!