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Everything posted by prczm

  1. rofl I'd never join a pure russian shithole server, I dont really mind russians playing in na/eu servers but I would not play on a ruskie server
  2. lol making alt forum accounts to agree with your own statements is just sad, just sayin
  3. gtfo lol, over 10 yeras old rofl
  4. ​haha ok thanks! thinking about upgrading so just want to make sure that classic would run smoothly with it before i made the commitment ​about time..................
  5. ​lol what? thought you were showing that pic because of some shitty macro or whatever bullshit you were trying to make up and damn, you kids gotta stop using the real life flame attempts already, they're just as retarded as you are
  6. ​Lol wtf? that's hillarious ​Since you like that check out my screenshot Short history - A party and smth of ppl was killing lilith and i went in on 40% HP and killied them all . 30 mins later we killed it. its just a macro...... also 30 mins to gather and drop lilith? terribad
  7. whining for rates rofll
  8. prczm


    and let me guess... you dont lose exp on death.........
  9. I reaaaaaly dont get why clueless people want to change the game so badly, seriously.... leave the game as it is
  10. prczm

    Economy Problem

    Actually Comercianta IS my boyfriend. You cant blame others for something you havent Yeah, I failed, whatever you want. But I have an education at least Oh, its pretty clear now why you are the only one supporting his whining idea... Because it's a good idea in my opinion, and if he doesnt were my bf I would be supporting his idea too... Because I think too like this. And again, go and get an education, you NEED it. Nobody is insulting you and you are ONLY insulting other people because you dont share an idea with them. I'm pitty of you, you know? Pitty of the live you're gonna live with that kind of education ​ cant you see how stupid you look by talking about privacy crimes or whatever bullshit that youre making up? Oh and did your imaginary boyfriend let you out of your cage to attempt to insult me? too bad you just failed Actually Comercianta IS my boyfriend. You cant blame others for something you havent Yeah, I failed, whatever you want. But I have an education at least Oh, its pretty clear now why you are the only one supporting his whining idea... Because it's a good idea in my opinion, and if he doesnt were my bf I would be supporting him idea too... Because I think too like this. And again, go and get an education, you NEED it. Nobody is insulting you and you are ONLY insulting other people because you dont share an idea with them. I'm pitty of you, you know? Pitty of the live you're gonna live with that kind of education ​ yeha funny thing is that only you two think that this is a good idea and lol, I pity you because not having brain must suck
  11. prczm

    Economy Problem

    Actually Comercianta IS my boyfriend. You cant blame others for something you havent Yeah, I failed, whatever you want. But I have an education at least Oh, its pretty clear now why you are the only one supporting his whining idea...
  12. prczm

    Economy Problem

    cant you see how stupid you look by pointing out privacy crimes or whatever bullshit that youre making up?
  13. prczm

    Free teleports

    just keep it like it is on retail, dont make the game easier, fucking whining kids
  14. prczm

    next target

    ​you are not alone
  15. prczm

    next target

    ​lol now you can do it too playing fighter on place where mobs got close distance .... on old chronicle i can target next mob/player playing archer mage ... and that why i think its bugged or next chronicle change distance. ​i think you are suck and you dont want be targeted when you run like a chicken ​nice comeback not. lulz
  16. prczm

    next target

    ​what does it have to do with botting? lol?
  17. prczm

    next target

    sounds like you suck at pvping
  18. it seems you never been into pking wars or lockdowns they cost tons of adena and removing karma is way worse now
  19. classic stuff, no more sin eater
  20. ​yeah because focus chance is super useful without a cancel stick