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Everything posted by prczm

  1. 8 friends are joining with me to rekt some russian faggots and help filling this with drama
  2. prczm


    server would become a trash custom one, why would you even want that, just train them get their drops and thats it, this wont be any close to l2jp, chill.. just use the report button, so gms cna check later and banhammer them...
  3. dont you say hes russian
  4. ​wheres gino? that uber cunt ​who tha fak are you???? . :> ​you're my bitch
  5. imo old icons were way better, too bad ncsoft changed them
  6. prczm


    the game is what it is, quit whining
  7. ​a lot of people have more than 1 account registered. i have 3 right now just doing some mats, looking at the people at forums 10 min after they announced the pospone, 4 hours before the OBT, and knowing an estimation of the % of the people that wasn't at the forums but they were expected to come at OBT. The estimated max amount of people at forums at OBT was 1500, maybe a bit more of people would join the server at OBT that don't visit the forums at all, but not too much, 200-300? Total 1700-1800 max login at start of the OBT, then you have to consider that this server is international, so people plays at different hours, so i expect no more than 1200 online people after the first day. on the last expected OBT. and maybe 1000 at third day. ​again with your bullshit, cut the crap with these shitty numbers you pull out of your ass kid. I have a full cp joining with me and they dont even check here
  8. there will always be bots on lineage 2, ncsoft just doesnt care at all... they drop the banhammer every now and then but pff, innova works harder on that issue, and sure priv servers might do a better work on it too. not many trains outside of starting towns on jap server... the thing that bothered me was people ebaying bewd and making +16 top d gear, p2w is just sad. it is something else if its bought from people selling adena made inside the server, main problem is ncsoft selling those stuff for cash, fucks up economy
  9. server is gonna be so crowded with russians that if you ban them we wont evne have people to pvp against, and lol they wont even give a shit if they can or cannot speak in cyrilic or whatever its called
  10. complaining about bots is so c2..... grow up.....
  11. the japanese server is so broken, theres a store with exp runes, bewd/bead, soulshots, rofl.... saw some +16 top d gear there for sale, just non sense, i dont even care about bots but lol.... p2w is just shit, 10 times worse
  12. yeah ill send you a war give me your clan name and you tacobells gonna be kos from day one
  13. ​wheres gino? that uber cunt
  14. why would you want this moron banned, hes just a random bitch, why would you even care faggot
  15. ​probably because you dont even get them. youre a fucking joke kid
  16. ​I definitely am ill hit you up once server goes live
  17. ​All the russians will use software, and gm will be able to ban only 10% of them. Many russians atm have scrips for captcha for answer questions, for everything, what make very hard ban them. If u dont want ppl with softare u will need to ban 99% of the russians. gl ​Yes im 19 ​I dont need to play retail for see the group of randoms that there is in this forum. ​Wlc to l2 in 2k15 where 90% of the ppl use soft for lvl, as a said gl with ban all the ppl that will use software. Some years ago with good protection only few ppl bot, but now u put l2 adrenaline in google, download, go on youtube see some tutorials, log ig and start to bot. gl if u think this server will have protection for bots I understand ayotech, i prefer play private servers than retail servers where a single guy alone is making epics with tower premium loggin 60 accouns and selling it(Proof 100%) Im talking about shileen server, but the others server are the same.​
  18. ​if you were in richpwns crew you know you guys got obliterated thru out the whole time rich had that clan..then he rerolled to hide everyone in that clan quit and he tried botting safe and made a nuker squad and then got rolled again badly...but your right richpwnz and then guys were so bad they made other kids look bad so I dont remember who you were sure i had a few weaklings who might quit but my core always solid ​I was during the first weeks, as soon as I saw that they wouldnt matter much I just moved on... didnt you get banned or rerolled at the beginning too? i rememebr some drama on blah, but thats it, dont recall much..
  19. everytime i listen to that a tear comes down form my right eye, damn nostalgia ​yeah in this moment everyone remember the "good old times" I started to play with real life friends and i would be glad to play with them again but most of them having a family now or allot to do with work so there is no space for L2 anymore ​you know what helps ? break their knees ! It helped me... was an accident.. but it did bring me back to L2 ​hahah good idea
  20. everytime i listen to that a tear comes down form my right eye, damn nostalgia