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Everything posted by donchicho

  1. ​i know you are bad, cos you dont try innova and grankain. tryhard bot
  2. love that you have no answer, and brain to know who i am.
  3. at that moment your sws bd dont have arrest, then you got arrest. 3/4 days advanced of that, a video with your sws or bd lvl 58. wow, thats good farming. 1 mob per 5 sec, /9 maybe got 14-20k x 5 sec. Maybe give me some reason? i give it to you. IT CALL ROTATE PEOPLE WITH ZRANGER AUTOASSIST. 1 or 2 stay on, the rest go to sleep, and with auto assist zranger or and script you still farming and replacement 2 by 2 by 2 by 2 by 2. WOW, now i see all said the same you are boting, same people of perkunas clan, said that you are boting, but magically, now you not. And your defense is really stupid... But whatever, you make peace with unique, allys with azmodan, and you talking about me and the pve, YES im farming cos i cant 24/7 bot when i go to sleep thats the difference. Remember why pride leave the server. TY MELOK.
  4. ​you quite far from accurated number there son ​i think one admin like you could press more attention about the bot tipe and try to not talk about nothing on this topic. Same with autodislog. I hunt some randoms today, and a party FULL AUTODISLOG. i dont get, all have premium now? I dont want to stop this topic, and you know what to do, but what we can do? said its ok to bot, and wait? thats what the server want? ARCHER PARTY IS TOP LVL. ITS THE MOST HARD TO LVL UP. HE FARM 1 MOB by 5 sec, with the top gear, i dont care about the gear, luck or donations is the same, i have no problem about that, if they buy COLS, or adena for Rus sellers, but they lvl 24/7 with rare movements and "TOP SECRET MACROS" they move always, a macro dont move in the place. CHECK THAT THE FOLLOW IN THE PLACE AND WALKING WITH NO MOVEMENT, thats assist and agro with zranger. zranger is a paybot, cant be detected, and have heavy scripts to got, but if you follow at the late hours you can see. Now they will stop to farm with that. the advise is here, we put spyes on that spot waiting for more videos. We caught them botting 1 time, only 1 archer run, the rest follow him to a stone. 2| time same caught, 40k ssc, droped in the floor, nobody pick, just 1 archer run, the rest follow him. You see people and use the same macro? to assist and attack? wow you are the faster clicker on the world Nick in game mate, lol ​we are the party that kill you and stomp your +5/+6 bows at lvl 50+ . THEN MAGICALLY YOU GOT LVL 58 IN 1/2 WEEKS. magic!! you remember us, the only party that shut down you (some wins / some loose). and then some 24/7 weeks bot, and you got full top lvl. now its hard to fight a bunch of 58+ archers and assist (full cp 9 party) agains a random guys with no singers 50+
  5. ​wrong, im still lvl up, i dont get down for this. But i dont want some disadvantage like that. its more easy farm in a bot archer party, that with a pole, active party
  6. i got the phantom cubic buying it when i see, i know the torture of sb. try to put a trade bot, some will mail it, and go on. i will wait you to sell the SPARK 58
  7. ​you quite far from accurated number there son ​i think one admin like you could press more attention about the bot tipe and try to not talk about nothing on this topic. Same with autodislog. I hunt some randoms today, and a party FULL AUTODISLOG. i dont get, all have premium now? I dont want to stop this topic, and you know what to do, but what we can do? said its ok to bot, and wait? thats what the server want? ARCHER PARTY IS TOP LVL. ITS THE MOST HARD TO LVL UP. HE FARM 1 MOB by 5 sec, with the top gear, i dont care about the gear, luck or donations is the same, i have no problem about that, if they buy COLS, or adena for Rus sellers, but they lvl 24/7 with rare movements and "TOP SECRET MACROS" they move always, a macro dont move in the place. CHECK THAT THE FOLLOW IN THE PLACE AND WALKING WITH NO MOVEMENT, thats assist and agro with zranger. zranger is a paybot, cant be detected, and have heavy scripts to got, but if you follow at the late hours you can see. Now they will stop to farm with that. the advise is here, we put spyes on that spot waiting for more videos. We caught them botting 1 time, only 1 archer run, the rest follow him to a stone. 2| time same caught, 40k ssc, droped in the floor, nobody pick, just 1 archer run, the rest follow him. You see people and use the same macro? to assist and attack? wow you are the faster clicker on the world
  8. ​Hello. You asked to check when char stuck it rock and then again follow another char. I was curies about it too, but I just go on server and repeat it. And it was like on video. So 2nd char just doesn't lost the target and followed me again when he can. 2nd. You asking ban persons without 100% proof. Right now it's same position as you watching film and thinking that the killer is husband, but then film proof you that it was butler. We can't seal every person who maybe bot or some people think they bot, so lets just ban them. This is not how rules work. 3rd. I, with my team will spend few random nights without sleep to check such problems. But after my post I need nicks all players you want to check. I think it will be fair for everyone. If someone will be spotted on bot - he will be banned. ​reaver nomy akame squeeze salaras baek easymymind stfulady thats the party. i want the check, and maybe some info about that. I apreciate your work koll. But its rare. and all the server is against 1 party? Its not rare?
  9. ​yeah you have right, the problem is the angry that it generated. and all know it, all people high lvl know that the perkunas party bot, and nobody do nothing
  10. ​primero aprende un poquito de ingles y despues hablamos. total no cuesta nada aprovecharse de un bot. facil, farmear 24/7 una prty de arqueros q mata de 1 bicho, levelea mas rapido q la gente que polea. DAME UNA RAZON LOGICA. Explicacion del video? IZI
  11. ​WE ALL KNOW THE RULES, BUT PERKUNAS DONT. and maybe the admins looking in another place, with the power of the cols
  12. if all the comunity is agains that party, why they dont ban it? this is the good propaganda from the server? I REPORT A PARTY BOT, LIKE THE SERVER SAID, I WANT THAT 1/2 OF THE BOUNTY, ADENA, WEAPONS. ETC
  13. Thats the fact of the server, they have a war against bot, but the top server players still botting and farming and nobody happen. The time of botting is like 21.00 hs (gmt-3) They are doing the same. using zranger or assist bot. 1 - 2 players active, the rest asisting and follow at the same time, with no cd (no time to make a macro, NOT HUMAN). We are follow the same path of botting party on weeks. If you know they. They got lvl 55 to 58 in like 1 week, i think is very HARD with a archer party that kill MOB PER MOB. I think the server need to be cleanse to all, the same with the donators (bow +10)/bows +6/7 The video have not good quality, we are not good at this, but you know the perkunas party.PRESS A GOOD ATTENTION AT MIN 2:00. WHEN squeeze STAY IN A ROCK ASSISTING AND MOVING AWAY TO ALL DIRECTIONS AND REAVER (BOW+10) COME TO TAKE HIM TO THE BOT SPOT. (THATS WHY THEY USE THE SAME SPOT ALWAYS TO FARM). Maybe ALL THE SERVER NEED TO SEE THIS. THEY ARE THE TOP LVL ARCHER CP. YES. THEY STILL BOTTING. pd: WE ARE LATINS PEOPLE, AND WE STILL PLAY IF THEY BAN THE TOP "RUMANS" PARTY, SAME AS PERKUNAS AND PRIDE, STILL BOTING AND USING DIFF PROGRAMS. BUT NOBODY BAN HIM. WE STILL FIGHTING FOR THIS SERVER, BUT WE NEED SOME RESPONSE. WE NEED EQUALITY FOR ALL. THE SERVER GAVE THE "FIRST BOT PARDON", IF YOU SEE THE 90% OF TOP LVL HAVE THIS UNBAN REQ. SO I THINK WE NEED TO PUT A HARD HAND ON THE NEW TOP LVLS TO SHOW THE SERIOUS OF THIS PROYECT