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Everything posted by Convict

  1. I ​I will be your friend
  2. ​if you were in richpwns crew you know you guys got obliterated thru out the whole time rich had that clan..then he rerolled to hide everyone in that clan quit and he tried botting safe and made a nuker squad and then got rolled again badly...but your right richpwnz and then guys were so bad they made other kids look bad so I dont remember who you were sure i had a few weaklings who might quit but my core always solid
  3. ​i trolled you so hard you actully questioning it...epic win for me
  4. this karlitos guy is just a trash clan l2j player...ive seen these jokers come and go...when you kill them a few times on a retail server they tend to either reroll to avoid the 9% xp loss that takes them a hr to get because they dont know how to play without charging it to their card or using programs to play...these jokers wont last the first week and they wont even tell you their ingame name
  5. ​this is not the convict i expected. Since when he`s looking for help? He's actually the guy who want to raise 5 full 9 man bot parties on his own. You getting old convict...just like everyone else i guess Lol i started out older then.most bro and yes age is catching up but i made this post just to goof a little and stir up some shiiiit....i actually found quite a few old school players...fearless might make a comeback tour..who knows..still some time before launch
  6. lol yea dallas are some gun toting peeps..but im in detroit its no playground here
  7. please have a usa proxy for the love of god it would even help south americans
  8. Convict

    LF CP

    i have some people who could use a great spoiler that could go on long missions of spoiling mats for team purposes and mass crafting if your interested in a team atmosphere with lots of pvp and trash talk fun
  9. you right everyone ate fearless kids out our dicks team rolled luna ..beasted all them private server kids who thought they were good and stayed in hiding never clanned up afraid of clan wars....until all the cry babys reported us to get banned cause they were crew stopped the ruskies from getting a castle first week...i remember ricpwnz gay ass crew with kagan got beasted so hard they quit and rerolled with off brand names cause they couldnt compete on the come up...fuck outta here with that crew highest lvls and best geared on any official server off rip...nobody can compete with me in a lvling race ill put stacks on that...i bet i have b grade before anyone else
  10. ​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough ) ​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game ​ redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much ​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough ) ​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game ​ thats what i said... well about dvp.... this isn´t l2blah we all *even ex-exiler* did know how he "produced" his pvp count.. nonseless he was a nice guy ( not speaking about ingame more rl wise ). I guess he was even one of the frist guys who did post videos all the time.. it was short action 1 vs X ( outgeared like we said ) and well.. it was fun to watch. Unlike he did kill me a few time too at the begining lol. It was L2 during that time... fotm class good gear = gf ! ​dpv did kill some kid though over lineage 2..I remember all that dramma...i never understood how hard core russians were in the game till i seen they murder each other over it..and they say usa people are crazy pshsh
  11. bartz is where i started my learning of lineage 2...i was stuck so long on talking island because every night around mid night everyone would bring out smurf chars and try to make people go red with glitches in casting while setting up shops..I got lucky and some idiot dropped his doom plate armor while i was like lvl 18 and iafter i sold it it helped me so much in my learning curve of the game lol...good times...evered clearing out cruma and orc barracks of chinese bots and farmers
  12. pshsh i wont play another shit hole russian server..they better have 100% english client with a usa proxy or like 200 people i know wont even play here...they couldnt stand the russian shit server...playing lineage 2 with 200 ping and lag is dumb if the server sucks you can kiss the usa players gone from sure that most dont care cause usa players are so beastly in lineage 2 and wouldnt want the compition but if the server wants our money for premium accounts to box usa proxy and all english...english>russian everyday all day more people would rather speak english then russian...more people know english then russian...
  13. ​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough ) ​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game
  14. ​Is this Convict from Franz/Teon?! ​the one and mutha phukin only!!! whats good mertian?? and hell no i owned l2blah like a god dam dont even front yo!! ​Hahaha good to see you here, lets hope for some epic flame wars when the russian forum warriors arrive. ​yea for sure bro I miss old style l2blah flames..I was always banned though...remember my account called thetruth and i blazed up pi and exile for like 2 solid months...before the russians took over exile mauluz and company used to report me so hard..funny ass shit...never seen so many butthurt kids in my life...all hypocritical and shit claimin they didnt bot but was always botting
  15. im not gonna waste my time with some euro not about shit you know nothing where I live nor will you even attempt to walk down that street at night even if your euro trash ass could get the money up from your br 3rd world dirt hut that your whore mother birthed you in.... the minute you touched ground the boys would grip your tender little ass up defile your little corn hole with some good old fashioned nigga dick and leave you leakin and squeakin like a too bit garbage rat...fuck with me son whats your ig name so i know who to have on a leash off rip
  16. redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much
  17. ​Is this Convict from Franz/Teon?! ​the one and mutha phukin only!!! whats good mertian?? and hell no i owned l2blah like a god dam dont even front yo!!
  18. ​that i know but slutvaki over here says your gear gets destroyed which it dont....hes only played some dumbass br server he dont know shit about real lineage 2...i will train his botting ass loot him delvl him and grief is whole life...he wont even give up a ingame name...what a cunt
  19. hoe ass wannabee internet punk...i wish you would come see me but i know you wont so I will settle for bending your hoe ass over in game and make you my bitch!!!
  20. ​As we say here in my area... 1 bullet you are all Street? Number? what michigan and shit? Tell me axcactly the place or give me a name ​1672 church street detroit michigan chump...where you at rookie give me your address ill come straight to your neck of the woods and drag you out your crib and fuck start your face
  21. i doubt you live anywhere near me euro scum im in detroit michigan and u come to our hood you get your ass handed to you chump...slap you like the little girl you are...where in lineage 2 do your gear get destroyed??? you only lose gear on death if your red...unless they changed rule sets here which I havent seen
  22. top clans any of them...either or...whos saying they are a top clan and will be competing I guess is where im going with it
  23. So I figure why not get this out of the way and have a roll call of players to represent their clan and why they are gonna be the best