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Everything posted by Convict

  1. btw retard on bath salts eu trashcan you only lose items on death if your red..not if you die in pvp..smh retard snack..seriously you private server donate retardos got another thing comming..I love watching you shit cans play real servers and get smashed..makes my day
  2. wait you need your cp vs just me???? you eu fags are some bitches...i call u out and what do you say..ohh yea you need your cp lol..well good bring your whole clan on cause you fools are gonna be eating shit all day every day...tell me your in game name now ill find u minute 1 and we can have some fun
  3. dude u had to of more then played there they had an event named after you
  4. chevi werent u just playing or running a private faction server just a few weeks ago?
  5. im guessin i shit on yu a few times before..its ok I get it you got raped by convict..its just a by product of the game...just pm me your game name and ill come hang out with ya on launch :)..but im sure you wont your prolly one of those hide away and lvl type kids
  6. dont hate me cause you aint me bro wish your e-penis was as big as mine ..its ok I get it
  7. I figured I would offer my services to the community of lineage 2 by allowing one lucky clan or group to pick me up early!!! As a first round draft pick for champions only!!!! I am a long time, very well expierenced, professional badass!!!! Now I am sure as you first read this you are quiet possibly thinking to yourselfs on whether to or not to troll..I urge you to reconsider and tread lightly!!! as I am just one person I am well known thru out lineage 2 circles to wreak havoc and cause more problems then its worth for any alliance to endure.. I am very persistant in making lives unpleasent in the lineage 2 community so be forewarned before you reply...Now that we got that out of the way let me tell what exactly comes in the premium convict package *peek inside* 1) Knowledge in every aspect of the game with a broad range of things I guarentee even vetrans dont know about. 2) strategy in acquiring the best things in the game the fastest 3) the fastest leveler in the game...for example I will keep up as a melee with the highest lvl nuker with out of party buffs( which also helps in acquiring things faster) 4) pvp strategy,running ops in tense situations, leading a smaller group to victory..example. I have always fought out numbered on every server I have played on. I dont bandwagon zerg clans of br trash cans. I can definitley tip the scales in the favor of the underdogs just by being present. There is much more but I don want to over sell it if interested hit me up with a vent ip or a skype deuces!!..I also might have a few people
  8. yea english only server for ru crap
  9. karlitos wont last pn this server something tells me bots and donations is how he gets by
  10. the big boys are talking why dont you sit back and shut your trap lil boy
  11. yea tempest addiction are trash ass clans..zloklob is garbage..genocide used to beat the shit out of them..even tho cj2gay4pay is my beotch!!!!
  12. lol this twat karlitos same dude who said he was a pro on a mid rate shitcan server..needs bots need mana pots needs all this stuff to say hes a good player...what a dumpster ffft
  13. Am I the only one laughing at how dumb karlitos is? Pay people to play the server rofl...I dont know who you are and I have played every major lineage 2 project from retail on including russias retail and so on...fact is it dont matter what shitbox private servers that you played russians use so many dam programs to play lineage 2 that its not even worth mentioning you played eu/ru servers..they are like hack fests no skills involved
  14. i think by the time this server is launched leading up to hrs before thats when the flood will happen..I wish they would do an open beta so we can test the server for just a couple weeks..I wanna make sure I dont have shitty ping or the geo data sux before I invest too much time getting my hopes up for a decent lineage 2 server,....russias server for me sucks hard core because 200 ping with that 3-5 second delay means targetting sucks and response time in fighting along with kiting
  15. I am curious to where the server will be hosted..If it is a russian or european server host ping is shitty and theres delay..and delay can mean win or lose in is this going to be a russian server like original classic or is this server going to be hosted in the usa...a little bit of detail would be nice to clarify this
  16. well 1 I dont like russian server because its far away and even with a ping helper it still sucks ass.. 2 support was in russian map was in russian shops in russian even with an english patch was still crap...I did like the grind aspect but i dont like how they use updated skills...i liked sleep spam and little griefing things that made the game fun..the russian server is a combined chronicle of skills and the quests sucked ass 2 because there was a cap on 1k gold on newbie quests even if u had more then the items was just trash all around...
  17. just curious about some server detail..what chronicle will this be and such...skill list...a map would be cool...I like lineage 2 classic but I dont like the russian version of is this server gonna be like the russian one? and where is this server hosted at? if its in europe or usa