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Everything posted by Polygon

  1. YES!!! i used to play here with about 6 or 7 friends untill couple of months ago but we are all 30+ with jobs and family so we just could not afford time enough to the game to stay relevant on classic chronicles, tho we really enjoyed the time we stay on the server and all the admin work and player support it offers so we kept checking the forum from time to time hoping this day will come. for sure we will be coming to play on this new server in a relaxed way but still we will be here when it will open.
  2. Polygon


    in the few months i've been on server this admin team havent disapointed me yet, so i will keep my trust on their plans and their work, if they chose to do this im sure they have it all planed and it will be done in a way that will not harm the server in any way, so my vote goes to the leave it as admins want to do.
  3. its amazing how this ppl got something that most of the players dont, they had the oportunity to pretend they didnt broke any rules and just play their game. but the first thing they do when that opurtunity is given is try to fuk up again
  4. you should have steal that shit, maybe he would buy a normal one after
  5. sounds ok, but i didnt play for long time so i cant say for sure how much this would interfeer on higher level play. personaly i think it might help some ppl filling some gaps on partys or clans. maybe... i will still say it sounds ok.
  6. i would say there should be something coming up for valentines. but i cant be sure.. its normal stuff to have valentines event thats why i say this. if nothing now maybe only on easter.
  7. happen to be on second class quest today, was so mad about to cry everywhere on fórum til i noticed i didnt took the quest happens to the best of us
  8. ​i think its only if you want to change to dwarf, i dont see why ppl shouldnt be able to do the opostie but not sure, maybe better w8 for a admin to answer on this.
  9. i think even on 2.0 in korea theres no SA yet.