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Everything posted by blarg

  1. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​Cleaning karma system won't be changed. ​yes but the idea is not bad. you get more amount of karma with every kill or more amount of karma if the lvl difference is higher. that way pker dont have to leave their spot and scrolls wouldnt have to be changed probably. but to late now
  2. NO! for two main reason. staff needs income as motivation and less dual box means (hopefully) more active supports
  3. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    well first you have to remove karma in order to decrease pk count
  4. blarg

    Pks lv60 in cruma.

    why not both. quest for the poor and expensive scrolls for the rich
  5. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    arguments for current system so far: i dont want to drop anything when i pk. i dont want to leave spot for clearing pk count. i highlvl and bored. i highlvl and noone want pvp me. my highlvl kills lowlvl so i can keep spot. why do we need a pk system at all then? if there are no consequences for pking maybe just remove the pk system and make pvp everything. ​btw: how many of the fake votes were from aduha?
  6. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    By which way if the only way is the quest , which person on level 20-30 can't make? Or why lowbies has to wait for smth cus of your problems? dont worry, the quest will be adapted. so the lowbies can still pk. although dont see much lowbies here cry about it either. I'm not worried, I trust the direction of administration. And ye, I'm not lowbie and not protecting myself here and not worried for myself. Just pissed cus ppl are such selfish bastards here and just trying to make stuff how they will be better for them. And others? Who cares, let them burn. I don't see many ppl talking here at all. 5 ppl crying and 5 defending the current way. ​what others? what are you ppl so scared of by this changes. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK. YOU CAN STILL PK.
  7. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    By which way if the only way is the quest , which person on level 20-30 can't make? Or why lowbies has to wait for smth cus of your problems? dont worry, the quest will be adapted. so the lowbies can still pk. although dont see much lowbies here cry about it either.
  8. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    you could have "use floran only" now you get the quest. i like:DD
  9. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    difference is you can pk without any consequences. ofc pking lower lvl only
  10. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​then better vote for quest:) ​Quest is same to use only in floran. you need leave your control point for silly thing. i understand you are scared to lose your gear but then use ur brain and kill in other ways.
  11. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​then better vote for quest:)
  12. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​what mechanic? and cost are a joke for high-lvl players. maybe you can scare the no grader with it.
  13. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​how to not PK all, can you tell me? The thing is not IN DA DROP ITEM. Image I am the OP player with +999999 equip in godmode. I can't be fraged/killed/pvped but to exp properly I kill annoying people and foes. They coming back (and no difference red i am or not already) I pk them again to keep control mine farm spot. I will have perma karma. Or I must stop my farm let mine spot to foes and go make quest or other dumbcrap. second scenario bunch of randoms camping near me and i have choice PK them or no. But if i dont PK them i risk to be killed under train of mobs, and lost ITEMS cuz was killed by mobs, and random lucker just pick up it. because i can pk him. this why L2C work not like in interlude. And as i said bunch of time what PREVENT other to PK their enemies clean karma and exp in same way? (and dont have permakarma) ​ks them, stun them, train them. geez have you played l2 before?
  14. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​okok but what game or core mechanic will be broken if they change the scrolls? that you can drop items because of pking?
  15. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​Are you seriously? we PK once, than they come again we PK one more time and ect. so at the end of our primetime we will have 999999 karma, same on Epics. You are probably solo player from random party and l2c not for you. l2c its war between CPs and clans/allys/sides. says who or ​can you show me an official statement from ncsoft about it? but agree on one thing its WAR!!! not pk...
  16. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​ah you want pk, keep spot and not drop items. who is carebear now? ​what prevents you to do that? ​thats my question to you and others who cry about the changes. you can pk, nothing will change
  17. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​because they are stupid, ignorants or just purely selfish. and they canot look at the scenarium as it rly is... pk scrolls or not, everyone will still get their asses wiped on the floor whenever those ppl are bored. cus they just log chars who no one gives a fuk and go with devotion set and non grade weapon and pop everyone up soe to CH, w8 20 minutes, repeat. and guess what? they will not clean the karma or the pks, they will just keep doing the same. it will only hurt the ppl who wants to use the pk decently as a tool to fight over a boss or a spot. what the point of pking pl to take spot or boss if after you have to leave anyway to go and clean the pks? ppl is just too much care bear, and they dont want to get their asses poped, and they think by removing the pk scrolls something will change on that part but it will not, it will only hurt the ones who play the game for real. and it wont bring anything new for the ones who stay level 30 forever. ​ah you want pk, keep spot and not drop items. who is carebear now? with changes you can still pk, you dont have to leave spot to clear. only if you scared to lose items you have to clear or not pk.
  18. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​if it wont change a thing then why ppl cry so much about the changes?
  19. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​i dont give a crap about your l2c. if i want a l2c then i would play on official l2c. ​this server was positioned like L2C. Than it should be L2C. Otherwise why should we come play here? ​i cant talk with you
  20. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    emmm in da freaking "Lineage2 Classic"?! Are people here even know what is l2classic? cause I saw a lot that thought its C4 or Interlude handmade *facepalm* and they want make it similar to that chronic but its different game. That was created on GoD engine not much time ago on Korean OFF. Sirs, If you made l2classic server please follow traditional mechanics. I don't talk now about imba exp runes and other lame things in next uptades they can be changes cuz people on official servers were mad about this updates. But thing that is fine should not be changed. It kills spirit of L2C. ​traditional mechanic is quest. ​ ​Kse, can you explain him what is this game. I assume community don't understand what is l2c. ​i dont give a crap about your l2c. if i want a l2c then i would play on official l2c.
  21. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    emmm in da freaking "Lineage2 Classic"?! Are people here even know what is l2classic? cause I saw a lot that thought its C4 or Interlude handmade *facepalm* and they want make it similar to that chronic but its different game. That was created on GoD engine not much time ago on Korean OFF. Sirs, If you made l2classic server please follow traditional mechanics. I don't talk now about imba exp runes and other lame things in next uptades they can be changes cuz people on official servers were mad about this updates. But thing that is fine should not be changed. It kills spirit of L2C. ​traditional mechanic is quest.
  22. keep pking them. the income will decrease with the quiting ppl. then you can reroll on innova:DD
  23. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    ​We will kill you in Cruma every day if you change mechanics of game, we don't want to play WoW. ​rofl now you have WoW style
  24. blarg

    PK scrolls work

    i go with use in floran village only because then ppl can not pk and decrease pk counter at the same place and time.