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Everything posted by Hedrakk

  1. We were asking to be informed of the Admin work and progress on the update and I really appreciate this post. I can wait for the update now. Good job
  2. I totally agree with Samus and I kinda feel the same. I can tell a lot of players a getting bored and so do I. We are fighting a lot for little things. First, we were waiting for a long time to expect progress on the update 1.3 and we couldn't even have a date. Then we finally had the confirmation of the update which few days before to happen got postponed. We are only talking about 1.3 a minor change for the gameplay so I let you imagine for 1.5. The population is clearly decreasing and if the update 1.3 and 1.5 doesn't come soon (within 2 months I will leave this server). What Samus said it true I sometimes struggle to make a 9 players party and get bored of going to DV the only place to go at 50+.