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Everything posted by PissedOFF

  1. As I have told you ingame through PMs, VR doesn't apply to archers.
  2. ​e problema cu TS-ul.. nu vad cine e pe server.. insufficient permissions
  3. Do you think I will ever pay EUR for a scroll of WW or shield? HAHAHAHAAHAH Retail will be a lot cheaper than you guys. Jesus.. EUR for useless scrolls.... dimwits
  4. As the title says, I'm looking for a Cp with a prime time of 10-12h/day. I don't mind if it's russian, as long as they can speak a bit of english. I will play Necro or Sorc. I've been playing l2 since 2006
  5. The problem is that Russians are disrespectful and some of them have the nerve of asking us to learn their language. Although my English is quite good and to be honest I do prefer it as an universal language within MMOs, some people do not share my views. I do have the firm believe that if the majority of players will be Russian, this server won't succeed; they need us internationals to donate and keep the server alive.
  6. Nu inteleg de ce faceti atat scandal. Lasati-i sa vorbeasca in ce limba vor. Yeah, use google.
  7. ​ L2J worthless slug. You want money to play? go get a freakin job you God damn beggar.
  8. Problema e.. cum se mentine serverul? Daca nu au un plan concret de sustinere financiara, ori il vor inchide in cateva luni ori se for apuca sa vanda adena/iteme.
  9. Hi guys, I need to know if this server is going to be long term, being a private. If it's not going to be "pay to play", and that premium function will only allow dual box, from this I understand that the monthly income will be extremely low, the investment is not going to worth it (initial hardware investment, then monthly bandwidth plus staff and profit). I am always willing to support daring projects and I would pay the subscription for the premium to support the server but not everyone thinks the way I do. My question: How is the server going to support itself money wise? A good marketing solution is a long term, stable server. Going head first and hoping people will subscribe for dual box is the prelude to disaster!