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Posts posted by shibb

  1. I guarantee 90% of this server plays for the nostalgia factor. And this is a core flaw in free accounts that you can just place anywhere. Sure if your paying 10E a month per cam, go for it. But i have a hard time believing it to be so. Especially when it comes to siege time and you see one on every single teleport, gate, and 6 on the way towards a castle. 

  2. Gotta be honest, people are getting sick of this shitty tactic. This ruins any aspect of classic and the "nostalgia" we all play this type of server for. Between adrenaline radar and being unable to prove it. And those who are "legitly" logging 10 cams to cover a map. This ruins all aspects of random pvp.

  3. Cams are one thing other are traders in Giran.

    Some ppl are logging 4-5 accounts to sell/buy stuff when most off ppl use COL's for offline shops.


    ​we all know what is going on, and where the fishyness lie's. We stick with it because in all its flaws, this is a great and fun server to play. The question is do we keep pumping money into the project that we love when others are spening the same price elsewhere.

  4. You cant tell me this bs is going un noticed. It'd be different if they had a player actively watching it, but we can all be honest and know thats not the case. None of them even have premium, isnt that a red flag? Your telling me perkunas has 14 pcs just for cams alone?

  5. How are you not checking the ip's of these cams to catch those radar users....


    aka reaver and his 13c 13s etc fucking cam's. you hit one in line of sight then his sound for enemies plays he checks it, location 2mins later pops up. 

  6. I agree i think that's fair, cause the attackers can do pretty much the same thing, just send cannonfodder unbuffed in over and over with hq. Did you get the chance to offer an idea if castle regen applys during siege?

    sry for delayed response but im fighting with my pc here cuz he doesnt like when video editing programs are open xD (wooden pcs ftw)


    with update we will be making some adjustments to the life control towers way of working. as for now the plan is to have it every life control tower increasing spawn time for 1 minutes being that when all are down the 8 minutes spawn time applies. this should make it fair for both sides since it gives the attacker some advantage by breaking a cry without penalising so heavily the defenders if they manage to stop attackers from breaking all 4 crystals.


  7. Last time was a recapture, so wall strength was halved after capture to provide a chance for a recapture. But I hope the gm's can shed a little light on the subject. As this is not official build, so knowing a few things like this are pretty big in scale.

  8. First off Great fights today Perkunas, ,

    We are a bit confused life control towers and the teleport timer on castle. We had two life control towers down. And it the teleport timer seemed to still be instant. Where as I know on innovaclassic and other servers it increased the teleport timer 5 minutes per tower down.

    Also is there a mp regen bonus for castles like clan halls? And is that active during a castle siege?


  9. Cmon no need to flame the administation. The siege stream is awesome to watch and recap and figure out what we did right/wrong, and good publicity for the server if they were unable to do it this siege then so be it. However i would like to ask a few things if possible about the siege system, cause that was feeling a bit wonky considering. I know things are different than official but can you respond to the previous post i made?


    PS post the full record!!! We want to see the field pov.