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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Bambi

    WTB Santa hat

    ​Santa Hats can be traded and sold. There have been several shops in Dion and Giran that are selling them from 800k-6kk. ​Thanks for info, found that it's a bit of waste to open the gifts and not worth it for ~40 archer. ​Well, I see your point, but if you're farming anyway, you'll still gain those event items eventually. Maybe you'll be lucky and get a hat out of it. It's totally harmless to try if you've farmed for exp. and gained the items as a bonus :). Cheers! ​Now I wonder why I haven't time to farm, but yeah.
  2. Bambi

    WTB Santa hat

    ​Santa Hats can be traded and sold. There have been several shops in Dion and Giran that are selling them from 800k-6kk. ​Thanks for info, found that it's a bit of waste to open the gifts and not worth it for ~40 archer, I'd rather sell those pieces, because I've got from all opens only scrolls.
  3. Bambi

    WTB Santa hat

    If this part of gifts are able to be traded then I'd like to buy it, don't wanna farm dude. Wisp here or IG: Podmost.
  4. Is it allow to change files such as: Weapongrp.dat , Armorgrp.dat ; etc?
  5. ​ вахахах начал играть ... красава по таймингу !!! начал играть когда свалили 80% игроков которые были на старте , наверно круто стартовать на х3 сервере с онлайном 200 человек живих и 200 ботов + окна офф.торгашей ​с мелком перепутал?
  6. It's better to make able to use offline trader only in MDT then. But yeah, agreed. I was preparing yourself to be ready for a huge lags in MDT, but then I realised that nobody there, was weird though.
  7. ​Exactly, dude. It would be exact GoD if this server will cut retail Classic features.
  8. ​That's not how it works.
  9. ​Kinda weird that it's not already planned. Hope I will see 'em in next updates.
  10. Would the transformation forms such as "Pirate", "Assassins" appear in the next updates?
  11. The only chance to survive to this server is to present yourself as international one (which is supporting now in that way of condition), sure only if Innova wouldn't support possible ways to have a standard ping for african/american players.
  12. Next thread of topic starter will be: "Are you guys planning to open RP server?"
  13. Bambi

    WTB Low D Bow

    Looking for lowest D grade bow, catch me here in PM with your offers.
  14. Bambi

    Economy Problem

    ​Reported for submitting a private conversation ​REPORT
  15. Bambi

    Free teleports

    ​But koreans aren't, so as in Classic 2.0 there is free teleports (1-40). ​they added this more than 6 months later when mostly all the people were already lvl 40+ and maybe they did this to make some people start or to help lowbies ​Any point, what for you've said that? It is how Classic update will work for any shards on 2.0 version.
  16. Bambi

    Free teleports

    ​But koreans aren't, so as in Classic 2.0 there is free teleports (1-40).
  17. чето школотронов одних набираешь, давай за 40 дядь
  18. Write in russian section, it's okay, Putin's dother living in The Netherlands.
  19. Bambi


    ​ti 4e nax ti 4e
  20. Prove that this server isn't fake. Send me 100€ on my raiffeisen bank card. Do it, or i'll leave project.
  21. ​ WAT? the normal server start was supposed to be in 5 days from now. now we will get OBT after 2 weeks and live after 1 month? it was too good to be true. server failed before even started. russians will DDos it hard anyway so.. ​ this is what the start site did say... i didnt check the "about" post.. now stop bitching.. ​It means nothing but that they just forgot to change this pop-up, just stop spam kiddish hopes. ​now i have to ask you.. are you stupid ? where did i post hopes ? I had the wrong informations.. because i just did check the start site.. and made my post.. then i did check the about post.. and saw the ??.??.???? .. stop acting like a 10 year old baby who is mad at the world bc momy didnt buy him a toy. grow the fuck up even its the internet. ​Agree. Like.