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Posts posted by Chaparrito

  1. Just now, Trombosis said:

    Buenas.. mi pregunta es la siguiente.. al parecer ahi restriccion para latinoamerica quisiera saber si esto es cierto o si bien no existe tal accion, ya que quisiera jugar este server pero soy de venezuela un amigo me comento que este server es solo para europa.. que hay de cierto en todo esto ?? gracias 

    este no es el server official europeo ahi en teoria solo es para europa pero todos pueden jugar, este es un server privado donde todo el mundo pueede jugar capo...

  2. 3 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    i mean you can't even spell the word right so..

    wow missing a C yeah what a fucking joke you are... You dont even entertain any more

  3. 20 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Not really defending him, i am basing my comment on watching your last movies. As a matter of fact i've just rewatched both yours and his last movie. Since it's hard to rate different situations i've come with an arbitrary scale based on "stuff i would do differently" compared to what you did in the movie. Obviously it's much easier to criticize when you watch a movie compared to playing it, having said that i'd rate your gameplay at 8.7 and his at 8.9, also i'd have to say i might have missed some actions u did since you've spead up your movie. Also i've probably spent more time talking to you than him so dno about bias, as a lawyer irl i'd say i can be pretty objective =/. Also about bias the same way as your last sentence i can say that the only reason you insult him is cuze he is your enemy ^^

    PRETTY OBJETIVE what a fucking joke are you the new forum comedian??

  4. 10 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    never said anything similar to that, stop using that drugs, u are imagining things

    i just pointed out amount of parties, not active ppl, but nice try, NA prime 1 vs 6 pts

    ps: your party is full of pro players, wait, even your cp leader fails at basic game mechanics eventho he plays l2 for so long

    cmon Modoy you talking about mechanics and pro players now, you remember me a player from official DiegoVargas he was a god on game mechanics but he is an awful terrible player, at the end of the day is how you play your char, how you pvp, mechanics are easy to learn, playing good is a diferent history, so i recomended you to keep practicing bcuz till now on pvp/mass pvps you are doing pretty bad...

  5. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    except the thing i dont always die first, right? i believe tryint to explain u concept of archer party as SR goes in and stuns people so PRs can free kill them is too much for u, coz u failed with your archer party (TWICE), so yeah, no point to talk to you

    ps: i have never said u had to win 9vs18, but the math skillz are amazing, and if thats your true skills everytime u try to count, maybe when u say 6 active u have actually 11 active, who knows (u dont have to force reply, u will be getting max 1 reply per topic attention ;)

    seems now the new modern excuse WS ALWAYS have 4 boxes on party and the war ALWAYS  have full forces even oop supports hahaha, you guys are so funny and at the same time terrible players... 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    dude showing pvp vs ppl who sit and rest w/o s/d mby even no bufs and u still died. interesting pvp :D. Such a competetive fight, nice movie i love it!

    P.S you forgot to add that you are 6 ppl active.

    lol ppl sit, and w/o dance, what are you talking about, they where ganking us, so keep your shitty excuses away...

  7. 3 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    why would u call me one of bobs when i literally never played in that clan? haha, funny i checked 2 days in a row american prime and there were nowhere to close 6 pts of WS on the map, but sure, call it delusion

    yeah is only us whole ES ally dont exists, neither the chinese, neither Terroristas, neither TFD, nice logic you have.. i lost all hopes on you...

  8. 2 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Quoting and talking to ur clan/ally mate about his ally that cant react to changed environment? 1st time i agree with you

    there is not ally at all just few partys that dont want to join WS ally... this all that left...

  9. 3 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    We need to become same bunch of unorganised random crap to make you happy so you can compete. Sure problem lays in our side not yours. Go cry me a river lol

    thats why you need to recluit the whole server to not be unorganised random crap??? you guys are hilarious, What people have to do to defend the indefensible.. just lol

  10. 3 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    good, so we lost this "hopes" 6 months ago, when it was fine

    we never had double numbers than you so dunno what are you talking about, we had free farm epics cuz you where too fucking lazy to make epics chars not for the number, what a fucking liar you are dude just lol....

  11. 1 minute ago, BlackJack said:

    When we were losing hard 1 month ago for 3-4 months? we organized and recruited ppl from different servers and friends we played l2 with. I still remember when soil went to camp our lvl 40s in EV with 2 parties VR and asked why we arent helping them when we had 10 ppl online lol :D

    thats why i lost all hopes on this comunity, i need to go recluit ppl from other servers to make an ally and fight in 6 months, loooool, whats wrong with you fucking mind?? lol