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Everything posted by RoolBack

  1. RoolBack


    I need to find the set first and negotiate
  2. RoolBack


    Trade set doom heavy for bw heavy, just pm or mail in roolback in game. ty
  3. RoolBack


    WTB Doom Helmet or Recipe and Pts, Pm or Mail to RoolBack in game ty.
  4. RoolBack


    wtb doom gloves, pm RoolBack in game. ty
  5. Wtb Doom Plate Armor and helmet, Pm or Mail to RoolBack in game. ty
  6. Wtb Sb fell swoop from Warlord PM RoolBack in game
  7. Obrigado pela atenção, entendi perfeitamente, aguardo ansioso que o problema seja resolvidos pois fiquei muito satisfeito com a skill e a classe.
  8. E porque eu usava essa Skill de longe, até ontem mesmo tava assim, passei a gostar mais ainda de jogar com a classe e do server, só que hoje eu fui usar a Skill e ela não tava atacando de longe, somente bem de perto, fiquei muito chateado, pois estavam iguais aos outros stuns que só pega se tiver colado no oponente ou mob.
  9. what happened to the skill Quick Spear of the Warlord???? before I could take a stun and by far now the rand it was drastically decreased, remained unchanged normal stun you to ta side to be able to give. some explanation? completely lost the grace of char.