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Everything posted by Zumuk

  1. ​Hardcore is one thing, stupidity is another. To pacify this issue make it so you still drop items in your inventory, just not your equiped stuff because that is just plain stupid. There is little cons to changing it if you do it smoothly and alot to benefit, player-base speaking. The staff should really consider this in my opinion, why risk losing support for such a simple fix?
  2. ​its a clan/cp game. So play in clan parties or a cp and u wont have this problem. and talking about consequences is just ridicilous. It just shows that u probably never gathered any informations about classic before u joined. Its part of classic. Deal with it or play Interlude or h5 or whatever ​Of course there will be consequences, shoving your face in the sand and ignoring it wont make it go away. I haven't done research on classic, that's true, but you can tell when something is ridiculous when you see it, no wonder they got rid of it early (I started on C3). "It's part of classic, deal with it." In my honest opinion, that is up for debate. Why not make improvements when they are so obvious? It's not like the game will change dramatically in gameplay, it's more of a balance so people don't lose a ton of hours they put working to achieve something just to have it taken away by luck or lack of thereof. ​Just kill the bots you identify, like I do. Don't expect a material reward, you're just doing what you're supposed to do to keep a decent community. Report it then kill it.
  3. Official can afford to lose players, not so sure about you guys...
  4. Is the official classic like this aswell? It's pretty fucking ridiculous if you lose a months work to a mob... We all play this because we like the harcore part but this feature is just dumb and there are definitely gonna be consequences if nothing is changed.