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Posts posted by Joymark

  1. On ‎29‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 2:07 AM, Ikcen said:

    I have a problem with the PK on this server. It happened to me few times, and I realize the whole concept here is very wrong. The players do PK without any reasons and consequences. There are people with thousands of PKs and few PvPs. In general the PK is an essential part of the open world PvP. Every PvP starts with an attempt to PK. But here the PK do not leads to PvP. In general it is griefing of low level players from high level players. This is not L2. This is Tera. In L2 the PK has consequences, and that is why the game is so good. The whole concept with PK scrolls is absurd. It is clear P2W, as you can pay to save time, and to avoid the consequences. With GoD the NCSoft made the PK almost impossible and destroyed the OW PvP, but here I see the opposite extremity. Where is the classic quest system for PK clearance?

    And do not get me wrong, my problem is not that someone will PK me. The problem is the PK is completely pointless like this. Every noob can PK when there are not consequences.

    I totally agree with you.

    Although l2 classic created the game this way

  2. 3 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    didnt even want to watch it whole, but at 10:00 i got nice surprise :D i guess u wanted to put clip of me running away from u? but instead u put clip where i didnt even see u under the hill and run straight to the top spot of BS :D gj joyD, keep it comming

    You are a professional
    You have to be in the video

  3. oooohhhh


    I have video of what happened
    But I will not show it because I consider myself a smart person. xD
    KingLeonidas if you want to show it....
    For me it is proved what I wanted to know

    And I have nothing more to comment on this

  4. 3 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    well, u took bw light just for this fight so u can have better casting speed, so why couldnt he make wit dyes? :o 

    You talk modoy nonsense, Leonidas use bw light.....

    I am grateful for the comments always on the same absurdities

  5. 12 hours ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    As i said...You act like a coward and i punish you for your actions...Go kill newbies on fom you might be able to do that


    1- Punishment?

    2- You are a NEWBIE. You showed it to me.

    3- Do you think you have shown anything with this photo? You use WIT and me CON. And fear is op.

    4- Some people like to cheat to win. I have no problem.

    5- I hope to see you, DA hero. ;) 

    PD: Fools should allow them to believe in their illusion

  6. 1 hour ago, BizQQuiT said:

    What amuses me the most is people that are playing or played for just few months here, decided that they know something about politics and believe they are entitled to publicly tell everyone the state of the server.

    About server politics can talk only ally leaders in a podcast with admins, not  the "I play one month, take break 2 months and play again" kind of players.

    I get that you guys play l2 more then a decade, guess what - everyone does, that alone doesn't give you the privilege to share your opinions.

    If you believe you have proper knowledge and team, I dare anyone to build a side like all of us did and then maybe your word will mean something.

    Until then everything is just tears of weakness.

    Bizqquit and his army of bonobosimagen_1.jpg.32443dc2b5b2ad36b0beb6d5c51c41df.jpgbonobo-01.jpg.0f22d4606d6d8c5ef2bccf3df446efa0.jpg.0501bcaf1f9eccdec61711b23ac63830.jpg

  7. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    ‎*facepalm* literalmente lo primero que u uso es miedo, lokiardy es miedo durante 9 segundos y de alguna manera resiste el miedo a la segunda, pero incluso después el worns miedo hacia fuera, u literalmente no hizo nada después de eso, sólo refleja hizo todo el trabajo, ¿cómo exactamente debe defender tirano de reflect? ‎:D‎ lo recuerdo después que horror es u spamming bsoe vs archerino‎ :D 

    ..... Go coliseum, I will not use fear


  8. 3 minutes ago, realKingLeonidas said:

    ‎Chico, hago las reglas, vamos a luchar cuando digo "Luchamos"‎
    ‎ ‎
    ‎ P.s:next tiempo les pido que me mostrara sus joyas no mostrar sus anillos de magia pero para tu joya equipada (sé que tienes base orfen pero que cuidados-no prefiero nunca encontrar este artículos en lugar de tener la reputación de su nombre)... Ser un hombre y juego justo-no puedo entender cómo equipan a chicos como que niveles bajos de asesinato o gran diferencia en usted y estar orgulloso de tus logros-sabes que esto es un acto de cobarde ‎



    0% of successes colleague

    PD: DA with BW is good my friend. ;) 

  9. 1 hour ago, kkthx said:

    Those kids Zakna Israd joy are just frustrated bcoz they got kicked from multiple of alliances for being retarded, thiefs and retarded (yes doubled this).

    Sadly they will be self-abusing to this type of play for long time, bcoz it makes them feel "somebody" over lvl 40-50 chars.

    To take most of this game u need to get through this (u can always change spot until retards get bored) make decend lvl and revenge on them.

    Soon they will get bored self-abused and will quit and u will stay and have fun.

    Learn to play and then talk.


  10. 43 minutes ago, BizQQuiT said:

    Everything you do is based on luck.
    - Taking AQ ring and doing all those name changes and trades to hide your identity was based on believing you will get some LUCK that you wont be tracked down.
    - Israd in FoM is acting for profit using LUCK for people to drop their items.

    When did you hear someone say " I hope I have a nice life", humans work for their nice lives.

    rubins-vase.jpgimage uploader

    In the picture above some people see 2 humans faces and others see 1 big vase. Nice is not like the image above, you either are or you aren't - your perosnality is toxic.Where ever you are present things start shaking and crush (rip vigi).

    If you need nothing coming from a guy like me ( i admit, I'm dreadful ) why you took my alliance's AQ ring. 

    You won't reply to me anymore because I will put you with your face in mud on ever single beef you open, publicly.

    and in the end, my not romanian infected soul - I dare you, punish me.

    Instead of talking nonsense because you do not read the lineage 2 Classic tutorial?

  11. 1 hour ago, Weekreport said:

    Does it hurt the truth ?

    Yes, guys all to the forum that "familiaD" wants to recruit people. We stole a gem from QQ GM help me.
    BizQQuiT: NP, I'm going to donate to be told who's to blame.
    Lokiardy: In the meantime you could buy some claws +50 so I could kill Joy.
    BizQQuiT: I told you to post more shit in the forum, so it will be impossible for them to leave.
    I will also play your game ;)