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Posts posted by Joymark

  1. 7 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    I said only true words. Its very important info for new people.

    I dont use lies. Only unfairly people need cheating in game. Dont forget, i use word "probably" about real life. ?

    I love free speech in democratic Europe.


    En tu país por falsas acusaciones y calumnias no pasara nada, pero aquí en España la gente tiene derechos y existen leyes. ;)

  2. And shit will always be shit
    1- Tell me where is the rule that a person who is in PT and who has been given CC, can not pick up the fall of a boss
    2- Since when GMs give private information of a player
    3- When Soil organizes epics this did not happen because he knew how to organize
    4- He returned the QA and another one (since when a thief returns double what he steals).
    And you showed how bad your ally organizes the RB and that the gms are on your side
    5- At this rate, the server will be empty
    PD: Soil was right in everything he said....

  3. liked your play, i guess if u get 72 it will get real. you are 100% better then JOY - i can see it by your play.

    but bro, take off that bers :)

    JOY can polish ur boots.

    WP. Even if u got no lvl u know what to do, CC every single nab even if it not land. Just when use Magic Deflect just go into mages ;)


  4. wat a garbage

    ​Bein proud of so big big big garbage is so shameful :D seriously .. hahaha


    I went to pvp you because i was ok with it, even with pl set +6 and -15con dyes.

    I thought that there are many chances things go bad, but, wtf? i play to have fun, and i decided go.

    I died from mobs, but i got BRES, one know take care os his own ass. You camped me but i went there and BRESed me in your face. and this BRES was not from 6 col like some people can imagine :D hahahha


    I am lvl 73, you are 70 or 71.

    I pass you 2-3 lvls but got at least 4 succesfully horrors on that short pvp if can be called pvp, and some stun. even with mental shield lvl 4 and resist stun lvl 2. :D

    Since the 2nd horror i tried BSOE, but 7 secs horror, and getting horror one more time, and stun and one more time horror.


    I dont know where you got that skill to push f keys in that way, you are so pro man hihihihi

    so hard push horror key, wow xD that Jim Carrey video hahahahaha

    omg thanks for the fun guy. muahhahahahaha


    Check all the people's messages here and get it. :D I see too often the word "garbage" in this thread. xD

    Dont worry guy, we all fail hard sometimes, then you realize you failed hard, thats the path to change, gl.

    ​​Me 72 men ..... and epic jewelry ;)

    Dat coments

  5. Specially a noob like Lokiardy who hits AOE skills vs DA. Even he kills first my panther and after DA, taking 40% Reflect damage instead 20%.​

    Here everybody is pro but i just see ppl crying all the time.

    Whatever, this video isn't dedicated to pvp, its for "Pro Players" of this server. :)

    ​killing panther first is normal strategy vs DA, dunno what u are talking about, because its main source of dmg

    AoE skills profit the most from P atk, so at some point AoE skills can hit as hard (or even harder) as other skills, depending on your P atk, which in case of lokiardy (considering he has top C fists+16) might be already worth it to use

    ​​GG killing panther is normal strategy vs DA........

    You pro player Modoy

    ​well, i dont wonder u dont know that, u probably never played normal class vs DA, gl fighting DA with panther which cancels u every 20s and deals 4x more dmg than DA itself or u can simply kill it and worry only about horror, because u wont die from 50 dmg autoattacks of DA, but  what do i know, right? 

    ​cancels u every 20s?

    Please do not speak anymore

  6. Specially a noob like Lokiardy who hits AOE skills vs DA. Even he kills first my panther and after DA, taking 40% Reflect damage instead 20%.​

    Here everybody is pro but i just see ppl crying all the time.

    Whatever, this video isn't dedicated to pvp, its for "Pro Players" of this server. :)

    ​killing panther first is normal strategy vs DA, dunno what u are talking about, because its main source of dmg

    AoE skills profit the most from P atk, so at some point AoE skills can hit as hard (or even harder) as other skills, depending on your P atk, which in case of lokiardy (considering he has top C fists+16) might be already worth it to use

    ​​GG killing panther is normal strategy vs DA........

    You pro player Modoy

  7. 1st fight was cool even though u should have died 50 times vs a better necro player. Most of the other fights were pretty meh? Like chasing archers and daggers with a tank is kinda pointless? It's not like they will ever kill u like EVER, literally all those people who tried to fight you with such disadvantage should have just ran away like lokiardy :D

    trolling? Go google what it is. 0 trolling here, just expressing opinion that its crappy.

    trolling? Go google what it is. 0 trolling here, just expressing opinion that its crappy.

    ​trolling, trash, bad reviews and so on. i just wanted to sum up all negative stuff that this guy can get from posting crap movies.

    Specially a noob like Lokiardy who hits AOE skills vs DA. Even he kills first my panther and after DA, taking 40% Reflect damage instead 20%.​

    Here everybody is pro but i just see ppl crying all the time.

    Whatever, this video isn't dedicated to pvp, its for "Pro Players" of this server. :)

    • Like 1

  8. Stop cry about DA when there are others char that are op as fuck, like necro's fear, all stuns from wl,tyrant etc, ol/wc fear.

    horro dont kill with a DA, an anchor or fear in a necro can kill yet, a stun with gladi,tyrant,titan,wl can kill ppl

    chance of stun  is like 80% and there is not things to resist stun

  9. Somos una cp de magos de habla hispana con horario de juego GMT +1.

    Los horarios de juego vienen siendo de 15:00 a 01:00 GMT +1 de domingos a jueves, viernes y sábados hasta las 03:00 o 04:00.

    Necesitamos un Blade Dance activo, que hable Español y que juegue en la mayoría de estos horarios al ser posible.

    El lvl tendría que ser 59+ para no estar penalizado con la pt.

    PM ingame Leviatan, Joy, Kalipo.

  10. No problem. I know that you are proud about this.

    All players know you are a "pro player" :)

    PD: Pro Player = lvl 74 full epic, Doom Heavy +6, SLS +7, kill lvl low. (wiiiiii i am pro player) 

    By SoiL

    Thank you Master


  11. Everyone knows that you an your grupo are experts in killing pt's low lvl,and then cry because they do not fight.

    One more time I congratulate to yo and your clan "pro players" (74 lvl) for pvp vs ppl 50+ 60+. Great job guys

    PD:I hope ever show me a video with fair and good pvp.