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Everything posted by MyrmidonAch

  1. It must be frustrating for you ..Enjoy it baby if you cant avoid it . Kisses !
  2. Parasadalos was refering direclty to his speculations..According jerry's post/quote this "answer them" wasnt refering to him.. Logic left the chat P.s I hate stupid people who pretend to be clever
  3. Answering one day before Olympiad starts ..Yeah carry on?!Who is this random by the way? Modoyko fan?
  4. It matters what you said the first days before Olympiad starts or what happened ? Hahahahaha its faking hillarious..
  5. I dont give a fak what he ll do ..He is saying that you contested him only during August ... They are flaming their cp members front of their eyes.Do you think they have problem to saying lies all the time..Its their attitude..
  6. You were playing anytime during September was that month when Hellious humiliate you without even using talismans..
  7. Parasadalos showed you the way..What else to say ? Isnt it enough?
  8. Wow really what a flame ..How he played again after this.. I am speaking personally to Yomana and if he flamed him..Not to any of your cp members..Sayomi and his cp were flaming him every one hour daily..
  9. You are the trash here Yomana..You continuosly quote my topics or saying things wich refer to me without mention me .I rarely quote or mention you about something.You have complex without insulting or adress you at first place. Your attitude and balls are to these S.S Parasadalos sent . Go fak yourself now..
  10. Your complex is huge dude..Or your cp leader/s werent flaming Blue side before they joined us.You didnt have the balls to straight adress him and flame him because this is your style exactly. Πόσο ξεφτίλας είσαι , πολύ λίγος δυστυχώς ..Κάνε report ύπουλο σκουπίδι είσαι έτσι και αλλιώς..
  11. You are a disgrace dude..You were inside same alliance with Stiba since early June .Come on and you post a pic after the incident which lead them out of ally? Why you are such a hypocrite..Grow some balls ..You and your cp members were insulting flaming others only inside your clan discord or only few times inside CP leaders channel.So put your facts in your backdoor..
  12. And you finally managed to disband an ally bcz of your retarded actions..Its a circle bro ..
  13. Its like we got kicked from SM..Tell me more Now to the point i ll not keep faking this topic with our irrelevant talks ..Its boring after so long talking about same things .Prolly we underestimate ourselves ..Gl-Hf and see you soon in game..
  14. Modoy lost hero from you so its something could happen You ll possibly lose hero from Asian handless guy so uninstall its the only road you ll follow after 1 February ?
  15. August/September Modoy October Yomana About heroes its true that the next month managed to take heroes but how to play when there was no one with you and already your cp was inactive (most of eu prime the previous month) not because RL issues but lack of power..
  16. 1)August /September 2)You had the experience even if you were playing for first time because you were contesting SK class from May (or June not sure) so more than 250 matches before contesting Hellious
  17. Its funny because they considered you as a trash player who didnt know how to play..But you know he got bored of taking SK hero all the time and let you enjoy it Its not his style to act as a leader thats why his Alliance doesnt exist . Because he let trashes acting as leaders ...