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Everything posted by MyrmidonAch

  1. Hellious humiliate this guy(even without talismans) more than 8 times Sk vs Sk i mean ..
  2. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Modoy like Rizo i guess? Or you choose what fit you the best? Stop backstabing yourself .. Naitrino and Psychos are Ex cp members not friends..They made their decision staying back and i am sure they dont regret it. I didnt leave for free farm (your side was in a better shape until we left) but in order Perkunas give us the opportunity to settle few things which we did
  3. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    You can mention them and express their opinion ..As you can ask Masha if she was jumping for one ts room to another saying that specific cp members of FW are double face persons.. Simple things no need to make them complicated..Who has dignity and "balls" can say so.. Thats about quality people in cp
  4. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Dude i ll not play with words Call your one and only ally leader back then who is from Vietnam and his ingame name is JerryZ to confirm your statements..Or just stfu and dont spread your scenarios..Its funny talking about same things after 7 months . P.S i never spoke personally with jerry after baium farm the previous night..I announced them our desicion in our clan section at Discord..Your friends from Spain can confirm that and also Stiba and Wanali..Always speak with facts and not speculations.. Edit:I just saw that you wrote we spoke at TS me and Jerry ....RESPECT .... Nothing more to discuss really its annoying pay attention to you and your friend..
  5. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    What Gypsies dude..Pascal Cygan i mean ..I call him sometime Rudy because of his red shirt..Why so sensitive about cygans?Your roots coming from India or Pakistan?Its not something you should ashamed ..You have all the familiar common things a cygan has..And most of all the complex and greediness Thats a flame P.S Nothing more to say.. @JerrySM ll confirm that he personally kicked us from SM and everything ll be clear or not..
  6. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Flame? LoL ? I knew this guy in my cp is the best provider in Poland but i didnt know that cygans (Arsenal player i mean) had the wealth to buy his stuff..
  7. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    I think he is capable to make a proper sentence by his own so he ll confirm your statement ..i guess.. I ll gladly hear from him that he "kicked" us ..Its like Masha calling you double face persons and then playing with you and screw her clan..All quality persons gathered in your cp
  8. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    You and this girl had the power to kick me? Hahaha i like your self confidence.. About @JerrySM ofc he can confirm if he kicked us from SM clan..
  9. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Still waiting to reveal the person who kicked us from alliance/Sm clan ..Just bring him here to confirm what you are saying..Or imaginary friends cant do this?
  10. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Bro doesnt matter from now on we are enemies in game . I always ll be thankful to sjeks because he gave us the opportunity to settle few things and send people for holidays
  11. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Its ok bcz i fully understand the mess which right now exists..Its good that its clear now and thank you for saying that . All KMKZ members decided to follow Biz for their own reasons but for sure not for epic sets or any kind of gifts .
  12. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    We didnt provoke anyone , we didnt create any dramas inside alliance and we dont have any complaints about leadership . I wouldnt post something about this drama but @SemenArsonist calling Gold diggers my CP was beyond limits . Thank you for our co-op these 5 months !
  13. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Can we get over it ..You are doing it worser What is done is done ..You didnt come to Blue ally i came to your alliance and we played together even you didnt know it
  14. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    If its ok for you to underestimate your ally members intelligence carry on Etze Clearly they knew who am i ..
  15. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    I didnt try to persuade people ..Things were much simplier and also about forum what to post ? How pvp against Toi mobs is going on? There was no content at least for 3 months..Cp leader was DrEnigma and now is Hellious . I am not cp leader since August 2018 Not a single member of Perkunas or old friend asked me if i was playing with PsyChed3lic..
  16. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Come on ...Show some respect dude ..Bleach CHN anime ? @shakaalaka What the hell is he saying dude? Tell him that you still watching Pokemon Season 2 at CHN
  17. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    I am also Ichigo Kurosaki @MoDoy dont tell me that you knew that also...
  18. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Dude i have to ask Stiba send me his personal porn selection and its huge as he is a well known PVP master
  19. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Even Wanali CP was capable to clean Arrogance Cp and Ninja CP 1 vs 2 condition ..SO i guess its like you said it !
  20. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Sister of PsyCHEd3lic i guess
  21. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    Who the hell is Psychadelic faking kebap dealer ffs.. @SemenArsonistI was ashamed because i had to play side by side with your cp and i couldnt do that to my char
  22. MyrmidonAch

    regular sunday

    @Destabilomaterializacja Gold digger ! Its not cool by the way to express an opinion without knowing whats going on . But there is an excuse because of all this mess ..Speculations and rumours most of the times lead to wrong conclusions..Nvm
  23. MyrmidonAch

    30 people

    Nope i was saying about this guy..Carry on!
  24. MyrmidonAch

    30 people

    Man what you were doing when you were teenager and rudy cygan want info about your family ? Miss his real dad or something ?
  25. Sure you are..Cygan is like Varys from GoT..All the way if you know what i mean