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Everything posted by Gromy

  1. Gromy

    Vote reward

    ​Very good but welcome to the real world, 95% of ppl wont vote shit unless they get something. ​When I had started on this server, I just go to and make simple review about the server and time to time make votes, but I really understand that real votes do not work on any sites because all votes are corrupted(was buying for real or game money). So, I think, the best solution to increase ppls on this server is just go to any L2 forum and make simple topic about this server (not like typical spam, make message like real player who play in this server). And that's all. To stimulus it, we can make the topic on our forum and everyone can report about his activities on other resources. The reward will be the likes on this forum and respect on this server from other real players. Just start with yourself like in any affairs of life in society.
  2. Gromy

    2 chars

    Or you just can find other player for party after 20+ lvl. It is not so hard. And exping with top NG weapon till to 30
  3. Prophet 47 Looking for a clan with +10% exp pm "Pida online ~4h per day
  4. ​Администрация тут вроде и вправду хорошая, но вот, как вы написали, "обманщиков", на рынке достаточно много. каждый день встречаю по 2-3 гнома, которые в гиран харборе продают шоты меняя количество и цену (к примеру 8 шотов Д по 7658аден). Мне в целом пофиг натакой развод (а вот новичок, у которого всего 200к аден и обидется может =)) ), но можно было бы и по ip или железу за такие штуки банить... ну там на 1 день к примеру, чтоб не повадно было.
  5. It is not exactly for new players, but may be you can set some kind of NPC in the market(in Giran Harbor) to split the market place for D C B grades? NPC Like flags in the different corners of Giran Harbor with D C B Labels? For example, every man can sit in every place, but if you want you can sit to trade near D flags to sell D. It does not need to make additional logic for trade permissions, just set NPC only for visual split the market. PS: And you really need to hire the streamer or streamers especially to stream a low lvl game. PPS: I really plus for introduce this quest for D grade armor.