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Everything posted by Blizzardrix

  1. You always can try to PK me... "В город" = To village
  2. The same for u) ВТС = want to sell ВТБ = want to buy ВТТ = want to trade МНЕ ПОХ = idk why we must to speak english?) the only one reason for that is to communicate with foreign dudes.. but if we want to speak just with each other? we will use our own language for that.. and МНЕ ПОХ what u think about that
  3. But if seriously, if rus lang will be banned we will use transliteration .. it's worst than simple rus )
  4. It's a lie... I can ahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaha
  5. за Хавка погамаю) думаю с праймом можно будет что-нибудь придумать... все равно все будет подгоняться под выходные/раб/праздничные дни etc...
  6. Айэм рейди ту доминатэ зис сервер ! )