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About Binturong

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  1. As someone said, its summer. Many things to do, not much time for lineage. But brace yourselves, winter is coming :-D
  2. i am also going to start on this server. I bragged and begged for some sort of lineage successor, and here is a reboot atleast. Will drag some friends around.
  3. ​dunno, i told u what kind of pts u can roll with each class, what are your pvp possibilities, dunno what more u need to know what i can say is dont start something u dont like to play just so u can get pt, because u will eventually quit, rather play something u like and make it special, and u will find way so ppl will invite u to pt ​And i am very thankfull for your insight. I crossed out WC and TH, because the amount of failed dots (or blows) resulted in perhaps the most humiliating rekts (although running TH with nick Rektangle has some pull into it). I will toss a coin between bd and glad. I think i will stick to glad, because bd cant do much against pretty much anyone except pulling out bow and praying for crit (which isnt reliable, since its around 16% with focus)
  4. Thanks for replies, but they dont rly answer the question. How is server status? Are there enough live/boxed Support So i can play DD, or the situation is bad and its better to roll Support? Ty
  5. Hello! So, out of nostalgia i decided to try out lineage classic on this server. I wont play much untill winter, and even then i probably wont stay for more then 3 hours a day. I realize that lineage was always about long run, CPs and clans, and that those things require dedication and a lot of time. I cant really give either, which means i will most likely play with randoms. Here is the deal, a support class cant do jackshit on its own (PVP wise), but a DD (except summoner) cant do jackshit anywhere without buffs. Or that used to be the case. I have no idea how the community or the population is, so im sort of stuck between picking WC/BD (in hopes i could somehow kill someone when stars align) or picking gladiator/treasure hunter (in hopes i can get into a pt with buffers, so i can actually play). Im leaning for WC/BD if its very difficult to get buffs/parties, Glad/TH if there is no problem getting groups. Please, tell me which approach to take, considering server status (im getting to download the game on sunday evening). Thanks!