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Mica last won the day on August 7 2015

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About Mica

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  1. Mica


    ​Definitely international clan Chris, and we're hoping for an orc shaman, would be great to have you. I'll chat in game.
  2. This is actually a pretty moderate suggestion, there's a suggestion forum for a reason - they're obviously open to fair ideas. Saying that, the spawn rates on classic are ridiculous and we shouldn't need to worry.
  3. grind lizards, grind temple, grind orcs, grind cruma tower. probably in that order.
  4. Can anyone running windows 10 confirm L2 works for them?
  5. I think the more important question is, will the server be released between Aug 15th and Aug 23rd, when I'm on vacation?
  6. Mica


    ​Yes it should be based off of hardware ID which does allow people like myself to play multiple PC's at the same time through teamviewer, or it opens the door for people to legitimately play one toon, while botting on others and sharing in the glory with their legit toon.
  7. ​If you don't suck at dual window you can actually send in the dwarf to press spoil and then leave it on auto attack, and then switch to the elder and dps down the mob with spells, swap back to sweep. It's quite effective if you grind mostly in undead areas.
  8. ​I had a group of guys to play with but don't think I will when this eventually goes live due to the time delay. Hopefully I can find some dedicated people by then. I think I'll stick to leveling both sets of toons equally and when I find people to group with in my timezone/playtime i'll only do dwarf when alone. I have 3 computers and an accounting income, so its not like I'm limited in the # of toons I can run at once.
  9. Due to the nature of the slow server and the smaller map, there will be huge concentrations in specific spots like forgotten temple, the lizards outside, orc camp, partisan hideaway, ol mahum camp, cruma tower, execution grounds, and of course, DV. Don't expect to not see people when this goes live. The game will be populated, you just might not be able to speak to them.
  10. Deciding on whether the server will be slow enough to focus on crafting or if I should go straight into upping a tyrant/prophet setup. Opinions?
  11. If they weren't going to wait till a proper launch, they weren't going to stay anyway gogome.
  12. ​I did this in prelude and we locked down Cruma and DV, and then later on Antharas Lair. Definitely works.
  13. ​Doesn't it seem counter-intuitive, poor design, and a disincentive for people to level a spoiler to the top levels? Why not have the rarer mats spoil from higher level mobs?