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About fsuarezmdq

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  1. No news ? Some ETA ? Good work anyway. Regards
  2. fsuarezmdq

    Poca gente?

    En mi opinoin el server está potable, es decir, se puede jugar. Si bien hay q corrgirle cosas, se lo podra hacer sobre la marcha. Que larguen de una vez el real y vallan corrigiendo a medida salen los bugs. Es un server x3 calculo que la gente no irá tan rapido y les dara tiempo para ir corrigiendo.
  3. fsuarezmdq

    Proyecto Fake?

    direccionamiento y customs del server !
  4. ​Some time im agree with u. +1
  5. I start this game im 2005 in L2World with my brother, Pressman - SilverRanger Later i move to WCA Playing with Pressman - Treasure Hunter In 2006 I think , I start in IDragon - Dragon Network Now. I played there for years in Infinity x 5 Pressman TH/DA Kirianus EE/OL with 16k PvP Op Char rly ! Homero WC/BP Cypselus TY/DES I was Clan Lider of G2, those were rly good times ! Im rly exited to play again L2.
  6. int offlineShop ++; For sure we need it, no sence leave the PC ON just for sell. Regards
  7. Trabajas 8 + Juegas 8 + Duermes 8 = 24 hs Deluxe !
  8. Normales para gente sin nada que hacer !!
  9. Flag on my char and ill be faster
  10. 1 dead and lose a lot of exp - If u thinking make a troup of spoiler for each mat 32, 49 ,60+ this ill be hard.