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  1. Hello, I have opened this topic because a very big roll-back has occurred from yesterday till today. The reason I am posting this is because the admins should do something about it, because over 50% of the players have left the server due to this issue. For example I have lost 5 levels on each of my dwarfs, I lost 4 hours of farming brigandine helmet designs and recipes and the most important a full brigandine helmet drop (from Leto Lizardman Overlord), I also lost 5kk and 1 level on my bigger character... ok enough about me... what about you guys? I bet a lot of people from the community lost a lot more items and adena and XP than me, due to this big roll-back. The question is: What happens now? Will the Administrators be willing to give the items back to the players and apologize for this inconvenience (with the roll-back they literally pissed on our free time)... And maybe, just MAYBE at least 30% will come back and play and keep advertising the server to their friends... Or is this the end of it all, because so many people are pissed and left the server? Well?