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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, I went thru forum and found some answers already, but I still have few questions, so if anyone has a time, I would gladly appreciate an answers. 1. So what is actual online right now? I know that server is running for quite some time, but how is the pop? Rising, decreasing, stagnant? 2. Are there new players or alt char leveling in progress? Or will I play alone for 5 months? 3. What is the best way to level up on classic for melee char? I think about glad/tyrant/destro as main and PP+bd+sws for support. That way I would have everything and would sustain on my own, but I would rather play with people. 4. Is there some way to get a bonus experience while exping? 5. Is it worth to make a spoiler/craft? 6. Any other tips regarding L2 classic? I have zero experience with this branch of the game. I mainly played IL and GF/Epilogue. Thank you everyone :))
  2. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am new on the server.I started before four days and i really got to say that i am very excited about this server. I even whised i had started much sooner. Lets get to the point now..I am playing with a friend of mine and we are leveling our group ( i play pallus knight wannabe bd,my friend assasin -wannabe pr and we are leveling our cleric wanna be pp).After four days of xp we have hardly managed to reach level 35.So its now pretty clear to us that the server is hard. What we ask: We are really struggling to xp with our potions of alacrity and what we ask is... We are lf an alt buffer (pp or wc 52+) to help us with our xp.If someone has some bot buffer and really wants to help us start our journey(till our prophet reachs level 52) and wants to share his account with us. Maybe by someone who is not using his buffer cause he is high level and he is expecting 2.0 update,or someone that he is not playing with us anymore can help. We are mature and very trusted people.All we want is a little boost to our xp,we are not thieves,we are not scammers,we are just guyz that want to have a more chilled situation by having some kind of buffs. Anyone who is willing to help please contact me via pm here on forum. Ty in advance. ps:i know many ppl will find it wrong or something.If someone is not willing to help thats ok.There is no need for flame answers tough.
  3. So, I have thought of some event idea. Event: Fastest to the Top of Goddar Castle We make a race to top of Goddar castle. Event: Fastest from Elf Village to Elf Temple We make a race from Elf Village to Elf Temple Event: Race to the Ocean from Cruma Tower We must run to the ocean Event: Omg antharas is in dion spawn anthers and dion and watch EW:C drop from noobs for days Event: ELPY DESTRUCTION TIME!!!!!! Spawn Elpys with massive m-attack and give them a fireball so they can destroy gludio for EW:C drops for all Thank for your considerings, ~mga