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Potential New Player Questions

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This server has interested me a lot, I've been reading the forums and have even logged into the server to poke around and look at custom NPCs and the sort. I have a few questions though that I was not able to fully clear for myself by searching the forums and rules pages.


1. Is there any sort of option that allows dual-box? 

To me, it looks like getting a premium account offers this option? I can't quite tell though from the wording if that is what it actually means.


2. If I go premium and the dual-box is an option, what would be the best buffer to level with the follow classes(feel free to be more specific with the races as well if there is any noticable difference)? Also, the classes listed below would be my main character, so the dual-boxxed character may or may not see much play after I join a clan etc. I will also include what I think may be good to pair with it.

Archer (Prophet for Haste?)

Mage (Shillen Elder for Empower?)

Tank (Shillen Elder for Vampiric Rage/Good heals?)

Healer (Not sure?)

Crafter or Spoiler (Not sure?)


3. Is donating purely for cosmetic stuff? 

I was unable to find any donation options that would give me a significant advantage in game, which I like. Just curious of donors will be running around with OP gear and like only 5 hours of actual play time on the character, etc.


4. Am I able to donate for the coins as an American player without going through some sort of currency exchange type thing? 

Will the donate page just auto take my USD and covert it to Euros?

(Sorry I am a bit ignorant on currency exchange for video games, never tried to donate to a Euro server before.)


5. What time zones are the highest peak times on this server?

I live in US but can only play for several hours in the mornings, but have weekends off. Don't want to be invested on a server where I am playing when most players are sleeping.


6. Am I likely to encounter many players while leveling pre-40 and pre-60?

Don't want to feel like I am the only player on the server for too long before I catch up with others.


7. What would you say is the average amount of time to reach level 20, 40, and maybe 60+ for a new player on this server?

Just curious if anyone has any ballpark guesses as to the general amount of time for landmark levels. I know this is hard to pinpoint and depends on the class and other factors, but thought I might ask. I only ask this because I know different servers have different economies for gearing up and finding groups etc.


8. In your opinion, what are some strong classes to pick for the following.

(I try not to go for the God Tier classes only, but also don't want to pick something bad that gets me no groups)

Solo Exp

Group Exp

Solo PvP

Group PvP




I feel like I am forgetting something and apologize for all of the newbie questions in advance, but I am really hyped about this server right now and about to just spend the next 10+ hours playing.


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Also I see a Pending Approval next to this thread, does that mean I have to wait for a Forum Admin to approve every message I try to make on these forums, or is it because my account is new?


[EDIT] Additonally, I created a test character to go check out the Trade area and such, and now my actual toon I made doesn't get the starter pack for the no-grade weapon ticket/soul shots? Is there any way to also claim them on my toon I just made, or did I screw myself by trying to be safe and not making a toon until I investigated in-game a little?

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 1. Is there any sort of option that allows dual-box? 

To me, it looks like getting a premium account offers this option? I can't quite tell though from the wording if that is what it actually means.

2. If I go premium and the dual-box is an option, what would be the best buffer to level with the follow classes(feel free to be more specific with the races as well if there is any noticable difference)? Also, the classes listed below would be my main character, so the dual-boxxed character may or may not see much play after I join a clan etc. I will also include what I think may be good to pair with it.

3. Is donating purely for cosmetic stuff?

4. Am I able to donate for the coins as an American player without going through some sort of currency exchange type thing?

5. What time zones are the highest peak times on this server?

6. Am I likely to encounter many players while leveling pre-40 and pre-60?

7. What would you say is the average amount of time to reach level 20, 40, and maybe 60+ for a new player on this server?

8. In your opinion, what are some strong classes to pick for the following.

​Hi Kilro

1. For dual box you need Premium or second PC (yes using second PC for Boxing is fully legal).

How to get Premium:

2. Best buffers:

Archer (Prophet for Haste?) That's right

Mage (Shillen Elder for Empower?) Emp and ofc Recharge

Tank (Shillen Elder for Vampiric Rage/Good heals?) Correct :P

Healer (Not sure?) you don't exp buffer solo mate

Crafter or Spoiler (Not sure?) For crafter PP for Spoiler SE

3. Hmmm... COL (Coin of Luck our in-game currency) can be used in NPC store for "cosmetic items" or sold on market (to avoid adena sellers).

4. Not sure about that...

5. I'm guessing that the highest peak is at Rus/Euro time, but there is a big Asian and South American community (I'm afraid that not so many NA players any more).

6. No problem with that ;) Exp spots should be pretty crowded.

7. It depends what class will you start to play. Archers exp fast when they are Raiding 24/7. Mage Aoe is also great way to power lvl.

8. Solo exp: Archer/Tyrant/Glad/Nuker with proper box

    Group Exp: any class for AoE (best would be Sorc or some support class)

    Solo PvP: Necro ^^

    Group PvP: depends on your CP demands




Pink.thumb.jpg.1ad919c45cd98bf389b75238f NaRvi PR 6x

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1. Premium acc is purely for dualboxing, you pay 10 euro you get a box.
2. you would need to have 3+ rechargers if you're planning on playing as a solo elemental mage or 2 rechargers if you plan on playing necro, sh (CDL).Necro and sh would also require a BD. And PP is best for almost all melee classes.
3. Donating is pretty hard in this server imo, i mean you have an auction house with all sorts of items.
4. It will convert automatically if you're paying from a bank account, it does so for me atleast.
5. Probably European time evenings, when people get back from work etc, that would Be 18:00+ ETC +1.
6.There's a decent amount of players on all levels up til 50. As you've said it also depends on classes. You will find mostly archers, it is really hard to gather a mage party for aoe, lack of tanks makes it hard at certain times.
7. 1-20 max 4 hours. 20-40 40+ hours of rb killing (best method to lvl up here) 40-60 no idea, takes a while i guess.
8. Solo - no such thing on such servers. Group - tanks are in big demand. Solo pvp - any class with debuffs, stun fear etc. Group - any class , cus to fully pvp as a group you would need all the classes for a standard const party build (bards,dds,buffers,tank etc).

Make a new acc to get the bonus stuff

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Healer (Not sure?)

 you don't exp buffer solo mate


 I meant which DD would be the best to use in order to level a healer high enough to start finding groups? I would not continue the DD beyond level 40 most likely.

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tanks are in big demand

How would you rank the tank races personally? Which would you say is best etc? 


I like the idea of (Not in any order, just the classes that sound cool to me)





Human Spear(Warlord?)

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tanks are in big demand

How would you rank the tank races personally? Which would you say is best etc? 


I like the idea of (Not in any order, just the classes that sound cool to me)





Human Spear(Warlord?)

​Forget about pala,unless you want to invest 1 year or even more in hopes of him getting better.
DA is the strongest tank atm. He is also the best oly farmer cus of fear,stun,panther.
SK is a very unique class which i personally like. But i've heard the lightning strike was nerfed and it became less fun to play.
Warlord is cool to exp alone, all you need is a pp and recharge. And since stun land rate is very high he's pretty strong with his 900 range stun spear.
Dwarf is a specific class, it's always useful, never was the best and never will be.

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Healer (Not sure?)

 you don't exp buffer solo mate


 I meant which DD would be the best to use in order to level a healer high enough to start finding groups? I would not continue the DD beyond level 40 most likely.

​any melee dd really

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tanks are in big demand

How would you rank the tank races personally? Which would you say is best etc? 


I like the idea of (Not in any order, just the classes that sound cool to me)





Human Spear(Warlord?)

​Forget about pala,unless you want to invest 1 year or even more in hopes of him getting better.
DA is the strongest tank atm. He is also the best oly farmer cus of fear,stun,panther.
SK is a very unique class which i personally like. But i've heard the lightning strike was nerfed and it became less fun to play.
Warlord is cool to exp alone, all you need is a pp and recharge. And since stun land rate is very high he's pretty strong with his 900 range stun spear.
Dwarf is a specific class, it's always useful, never was the best and never will be.

​+1, DA/SK are strongest atm, while DA will be even boosted in next patch because of addition of beast shots (will totally rekt oly if u are decent level to land debuffs), but SK is also fun to play, considering how many debuffs he has and how op poison/bleed/anchor are on classic (hex+poison from cubic+sting+lightning strike and you kill any1 1vs1 really fast)
pretty much nobody plays paladin atm (and very few ETs if any) because they arent simply strong enough atm, but u know, once u are down, once u are up and i believe in the future there will be patch which will make them OP, but in that case u can anytime class change from your current tank to new tank (i think it costs like 20 euro to do that)

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Is there any method of gearing/leveling that I may be unaware of? Or am I pretty much just grinding and farming adena to buy gear from vendors/player stores? Outside of donating for coins and buying auctions, that is.

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Is there any method of gearing/leveling that I may be unaware of? Or am I pretty much just grinding and farming adena to buy gear from vendors/player stores? Outside of donating for coins and buying auctions, that is.

​dont think so, just try to use the no grade wep u get from starter pack as much as possible, eventually if u are picking up, u will get adenas for equip

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