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on screen message

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it started to be pretty annoying, but on screen dmg message doesnt show up if someone is using transfer pain (necro, summoners), so during pvp u dont know how much u inflicted dmg on him

now my opinion is only dmg dealt to player should be visible, i dont think its necessary to see dmg dealt to pet (which is +- same in most cases), coz u dont really care about dmg dealt to pet, and on other way the screen wont be that messy if just dmg to player shows up

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I'm wondering how I was playing old times without this screen damage, I just love it. I can calculate by damage on screen how many skills do I need more to kill and change target. That with transfer pain, ye..

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I'm wondering how I was playing old times without this screen damage, I just love it. I can calculate by damage on screen how many skills do I need more to kill and change target. That with transfer pain, ye..

​yep, i was wondering also how important on screen message has become to me, but i think its also because back in the time u didnt really have to calculate the exact dmg, u were just blasting ppl, but here u have to decide when u need to debuff someone, or how much he can sustain more and things like that

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