
New player! :D

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Hello! How is the server doing? =)
New player here. I like to play support char and I hate to duelbox...
What class do you suggest that I play? I like them all except BD/SWS.  Also, do I have to solo to high level before I find party?

Cu around!!!

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If you intend to strictly solo id suggest going summoner, its a pure solo class that scales very well with no gear, however its downside is that you are useless in group pvp,pve, no party will ever want you, its basically class for autistic people that dont want to play a mmorpg, and go solo all the way.

Archer - very good for raid boss fights, bad idea for main but good alt char for when you want to make money from raid bosses. Dont main archer as you will be broke since you dont make money by leveling due to shot prices.

Any other classes are severely restricted by not getting buffs, or mana. Nukers can solo very well, however downtime for mana regen is very long and boring.

Now for party play you if you are going to be damage dealer, you MUST spend real money and buy +++ weapon(or get your own boxed buffers) in order to be sought after in high lvl parties, othervise it will be hard to find one. For some1 that doesnt want to spend money you should go for classes that dont require good gear to function. Overlord/Warcryer/Shillied Elder/Bounty Hunter are good examples.


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