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New player class question

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I really want to play a dwarf because I think they are super cute. I'm not sure if it would be better to play a spoiler or a warsmith. I think a warsmith could be fun for sieges, but I don't know if people really use them. For parties I know people like spoils. I'm not sure if warsmith are welcome. Is the crafting system any good on this server? I mostly want to play to hang out with people, and have a good time. 

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on sieges they are needed because of golems, they have 1 AoE skill (not much, but hey, its something), 1 powerful low reuse stun with good land rate (more after 3rd class in next update), so in pvp they are annoying as **** if they focus u :P it can carry lots of shots for your party (so u dont have to box dwarf to carry them for you) and after soulshot update, it makes really nice dps (both olympiad and in pvp)

spoilers make probably more money than warsmiths, but u can make some offline money in giran harbor with high lvl warsmith crafting with offline shop ;) also i forgot they are tanky as ****, has similar skill as warriors lion heart (not so powerful, but still), so its not so easy to stun/CC them

Edited by MoDoy

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Someone suggest playing a spoiler until 40 then change the character into a warsmith, but how is this possible? Is it a service?

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