
New player questions

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 I have new questions.

1-how do you make adena in this version?.

2-i did all the quests in the Dwarf Village, and the rewards were not even worth taking the quests. except for those that gave gear. are the ones in Elven Village worth me going there to complete them?.. how much adena does "Blood Fiend" give here, (for example)?

3-this .. http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/skill skill database, is innacurate to this version isnt it?.. is this one https://l2wiki.com/classic/Elven_Elder#Human accurate?

4-I see a large amount of Summoners and Archers around. i quickly figured out the reason for the archers(low SS consumption in weapons it seems), but not sure about the Summoners. my guess is they have lower costs to summon(since i constantely see them with the servitor out), plus on that database i posted above it says that they can summon Beastshots. but i am just gussing.. what is the reason for so many Summoners?

5-Why are the Beastshots in store worth 3 times the price, than in other versions of the game(its usualy 24 i think)?

6-Why are the Soulshots being sold for such low prices, even though the Soul Ore is at the normal price?

7-What reward/s can/should i expect from joining an Academy?

8-Is Top D grade sold anywhere in this version(by an npc)?

9-Is there a way to exchange D grade in this version, like in other versions with Blacksmith of Mammon?

10-Is this database.. https://l2.dropspoil.com/?action=db&what=lnpc&button=Show&type=RaidBoss&aggro=any&sid=&l1=20&l2=35 accurate for Raid Boss drops,Stats,Minions, abilities?(in this version)

11-Is Brigandine Helmet sold by an npc anywhere, or is it craft only?

12-why is no one selling Crystals near the Luxury shop?


thanks in advance. sorry for the many questions, i am new to this version.


Edited by yami

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4 hours ago, yami said:

 I have new questions.

1-how do you make adena in this version?.

2-i did all the quests in the Dwarf Village, and the rewards were not even worth taking the quests. except for those that gave gear. are the ones in Elven Village worth me going there to complete them?.. how much adena does "Blood Fiend" give here, (for example)?

3-this .. http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/skill skill database, is innacurate to this version isnt it?.. is this one https://l2wiki.com/classic/Elven_Elder#Human accurate?

4-I see a large amount of Summoners and Archers around. i quickly figured out the reason for the archers(low SS consumption in weapons it seems), but not sure about the Summoners. my guess is they have lower costs to summon(since i constantely see them with the servitor out), plus on that database i posted above it says that they can summon Beastshots. but i am just gussing.. what is the reason for so many Summoners?

5-Why are the Beastshots in store worth 3 times the price, than in other versions of the game(its usualy 24 i think)?

6-Why are the Soulshots being sold for such low prices, even though the Soul Ore is at the normal price?

7-What reward/s can/should i expect from joining an Academy?

8-Is Top D grade sold anywhere in this version(by an npc)?

9-Is there a way to exchange D grade in this version, like in other versions with Blacksmith of Mammon?

10-Is this database.. https://l2.dropspoil.com/?action=db&what=lnpc&button=Show&type=RaidBoss&aggro=any&sid=&l1=20&l2=35 accurate for Raid Boss drops,Stats,Minions, abilities?(in this version)

11-Is Brigandine Helmet sold by an npc anywhere, or is it craft only?

12-why is no one selling Crystals near the Luxury shop?


thanks in advance. sorry for the many questions, i am new to this version.


1. Spoiling is best for new players

2. Not worth to do quest at all

3 First page isnt, 2nd page is 2.5 version (we have 2.0) so there is some changes

4. Dunno but on  higher lvls (70+) there isnt that many summoners

5. Beacuse it is classic version

6. Dunno

7. There is no academy on classic

8. Yes Probably in Giran 

9. No 

10. No

11. Craft/drop

12. Every shop is in Giran harbour

Edited by Rip

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17 hours ago, Rip said:

1. Spoiling is best for new players

2. Not worth to do quest at all

3 First page isnt, 2nd page is 2.5 version (we have 2.0) so there is some changes

4. Dunno but on  higher lvls (70+) there isnt that many summoners

5. Beacuse it is classic version

6. Dunno

7. There is no academy on classic

8. Yes Probably in Giran 

9. No 

10. No

11. Craft/drop

12. Every shop is in Giran harbour

This but not top D sold by npg and best craft it with summoner summon soul shot for what regard per ss cost

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