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Why do you restart every day?!?!?!? WHY?!?! How trade on harbor?!?!?!? I'll just put the buyers and sellers on the market and in a couple of hours you'll have them out.... Putting sellers is not 5 minutes!!!! But it must be done, it is part of the gameplay, and part of farming and getting money! Because of your restarts, I have to spend time every day to re-plant sellers and buyers and spend 1-2 hours on this... I'm tired of it.. I don't come here for work... Stop restarting the server every day... Why are you doing this?!?!?

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And besides, because of this, you can't find other players ' products... Not everyone comes into the game every day.... People get tired of it!

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  On 5/1/2020 at 1:39 PM, SSXS said:

Why do you restart every day?!?!?!? WHY?!?! How trade on harbor?!?!?!? I'll just put the buyers and sellers on the market and in a couple of hours you'll have them out.... Putting sellers is not 5 minutes!!!! But it must be done, it is part of the gameplay, and part of farming and getting money! Because of your restarts, I have to spend time every day to re-plant sellers and buyers and spend 1-2 hours on this... I'm tired of it.. I don't come here for work... Stop restarting the server every day... Why are you doing this?!?!?

Timers for clan rewards/achievements didn't switched, which making them stuck. We already prepared fix, right now testing it on test server.

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  On 5/1/2020 at 1:51 PM, Koll said:

Timers for clan rewards/achievements didn't switched, which making them stuck. We already prepared fix, right now testing it on test server.

Will you soon only restart on Monday and Friday at 12: 00 as before?

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  On 5/1/2020 at 1:54 PM, SSXS said:

Will you soon only restart on Monday and Friday at 12: 00 as before?

When it will be fully fixed - yes.

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  On 5/1/2020 at 2:00 PM, SSXS said:

How soon will the fix be introduced?

Will try to push it with Monday restart, if everything working right.

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  On 5/1/2020 at 2:01 PM, Koll said:

Постараюсь подтолкнуть его с понедельника перезагрузки, если все работает нормально.

it would be better if the administration would do as before - about the login counter in the clan 0/30 --- 30/30 ---- for 4 lvl clan buff

so as not to be online for 30 minutes in the game by each character.

or let's collect signatures for the administration
since constant reboots
- then because of the bosses - then because of not updating the clan of bonuses
-Well, what else

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even though today the administration does not restart in the evening ...
 need in the morning ...
and it’s time to somehow redo the logins for the clan for the lvl buff - since starting them for 30 minutes is a long time

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