
delete the new starting pack, stop this joke

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you made the starting pack as bad as before the change. The argument you gave are the worst for this change.. it seems like a bad joke 

"We were guided by the decision that if the weapons will be time-limited, at some point we will get players with no money and no weapons."

you limited the weapons  because you want  players with no weapons and no money ??? wtf?

just stop it, please.

ps: im trying to make you fix this because i really want to play l2 and make this server succesfull

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You can save money while use the starter pack weapon. After this weapon disappears you can buy new one.

Is a nice help for new players.

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Ntrance, what do you do when you start a new char with the basic weapon then?

This is the same thing, but you start with a better weapon so you can save more money!

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You can save money while use the starter pack weapon. After this weapon disappears you can buy new one.

Is a nice help for new players.

By grinding you are not earning a lot amount of money, so its not enough, you will depend on drops if you will need to downgrade your weapon or not (downgrade its not good for any new player)​

and new players dont need help, why would they need it?? the money its needed in higher levels, where the economic just born. So how help the economic in this game? helping all server.

Ntrance, what do you do when you start a new char with the basic weapon then?

This is the same thing, but you start with a better weapon so you can save more money!

​what money are we talking about? 50k in level 20? 

downgrade are not very pleasant.. in what game you do that?? here is only when you drop.


Plus, now all can get dwarfs d Grade (shots), and delf empower level 1.. its time for pets..

you are not thinking bigger 


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i think every race got a level 8-10 weapon quest... where you get a okay weapon till 20... so i have no clue why people complaining about weapons at all Oo

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i think every race got a level 8-10 weapon quest... where you get a okay weapon till 20... so i have no clue why people complaining about weapons at all Oo

​funny things, no one complained about top ng weapons, because there is more offer than demand of them

staff is blind because they want more players, they are not thinking bigger

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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

​I did start with the 70% adena drop.. but iam not a complete morron

Was hard but doable... I could wear C grade by now.. but stuck with a +4 top D grade weapon... so thats just an excuse.



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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

​I did start with the 70% adena drop.. but iam not a complete morron

Was hard but doable... I could wear C grade by now.. but stuck with a +4 top D grade weapon... so thats just an excuse.



​its just you... i know some mages had earned maybe 3m adena per day with just focus on killing snipe.... 

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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

​I did start with the 70% adena drop.. but iam not a complete morron

Was hard but doable... I could wear C grade by now.. but stuck with a +4 top D grade weapon... so thats just an excuse.



​its just you... i know some mages had earned maybe 3m adena per day with just focus on killing snipe.... 

Iam saying i dont have problems with the 70% drop.. he did talk about new players who joined as the 70% drop were implemented... and no starter pack = i did start during that time..


and the reason why i dont have adena... is because i did oe... so 3m at 40.. yeah still possible if you know what your doing as mage.

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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

​in L2 you can buy and sell your item, so you are having not really expenses from buying used weapon . I got a 120k top ng and after i sell it at same price, where is your adena advantage that you r giving to new players?? they are just gonna get level but still poor as shit after 7 days

1-20 in this server was very ok, you could level up easily and get fun with party, now the low level is dead cos of starting pack because in one day you can get level 20. 

why would you compare new players with old players?? old players are good for new players because they have the items that will be sell later cheaper than store, and they can receive them in their clans.

im seeing only poor arguments abouts this pack

in matter of time bubble will explode  and the perception of server will be negative even with a lot of players playing


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Privater Server my dear friend they can add whatever they want , do whatever they want.

Population going criticaly low right now last 2 week , 15dec will resolve all ur problem.

Alot of player are bored dont play n wait 15dec , if party 9 is not fixed soon its a crash.

That sad because server as a good stability this is the point i have to give to them.

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its hard to satisfy all players, when the adena drop chance got fixed, many ppl think newbies wont be able to catch up with oldbies, so.... starting pack is born, and now more blahh blahh complain, this is just a private sv, what do you expect?

​in L2 you can buy and sell your item, so you are having not really expenses from buying used weapon . I got a 120k top ng and after i sell it at same price, where is your adena advantage that you r giving to new players?? they are just gonna get level but still poor as shit after 7 days

1-20 in this server was very ok, you could level up easily and get fun with party, now the low level is dead cos of starting pack because in one day you can get level 20. 

why would you compare new players with old players?? old players are good for new players because they have the items that will be sell later cheaper than store, and they can receive them in their clans.

im seeing only poor arguments abouts this pack

in matter of time bubble will explode  and the perception of server will be negative even with a lot of players playing


​so, your point is its not possible for newbie to get enought adena to buy a brand new NG weapon for themselvs after 7 days ? idk man, my cp got 4 mages and 3 weeks ago only 1 was using mace of judgement, the rest were just using staff of mage, and lv is 25-28

i have to confirm 1 more time that i see your point now, but you maybe thinking too much, its 7 days my friend, unless they all try to solo by themselvs or they wont have any prolem in trying to find pt and farm and saving up their adena for a new weapon


ppl is selling low D weapon at very good price at dion, i saw all the times, only about 400-500k

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i just lvled a mage 1-20 and made ~230k. If you only have 50k at lvl 20 you fail lol.

How come? Because I'm failing miserably then.

​a little bit of luck, and knowing which mobs to hunt for full drops :P

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Current starter pack is very good. I strated new char  ( spoiler ) with this pack, until i got 15 lv mobs dropped dirk and dwarwen mace, so 2 mid NG weapons. U cant say, that ppl stays without weapons after 7 days of free OP top NG weapon. Same with shots - 3k of them are enought to reach 15 lv, after that we can play without it or buy them.

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