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EE on classic 1.5

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Hi guys,

I have a question about EE on classic on 1.5 Is it good, and by good I mean usefull? I started playing it but I am solo and haven't even get a single party with this class. So far it looks useless. I am not familiar with this client and looking forward for opinion of more expierienced players.

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server is full of casual players, so just play during the evening and check party finder menu. everyone needs healer and recharger for aoe parties, or just find some mages who will exp you duo, threeo

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SE-EE-BP may have a difficult life as random, i suggest you to look for a clan or a CP to play with.
90% of mage has their own SE behind them

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If you want to play solo I recommend you make a box to level up your main EE xD. I am a main EE as well and ended up making a spoiler, but you can get a DD, Mage/Summoner, or Warsmith to solo farm (WS goes faster than BH). Getting your main dressed up as an EE is easy as a Karmian set will cost you about 1.3kk (depending on how much you get crystals for) and you won't need a weapon upgrade for a long time, even from NG (so great economy). The other path is dressing light and getting a bow, but it's gonna be expensive and painful, even more so than having to make a box to level up your main xD.

Otherwise, join a clan that can slot you in a CP if you're going to grind, or that can provide any party while you're online if you're casual, and you will ever be happy to actually play your main the way you intended, it's a matter of finding the right people in the right time zone. 


Good luck!

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