Kse 1872 Report post Posted August 23, 2023 Dear players! Recruiter Payne has visited the world of Elmoreaden again! He is seeking for your help to destroy the army of Goblins and their leader Demon Mammon! Hunt monsters level 20+ all over the world, and you will have a chance to spawn a Goblin. If you will attack the Goblin, on 50% of it's HP he will drop Monster Weapon scrap piece and will try to escape. You have 20 seconds to finish him! If you will succeed, you will get 1 more scrap pieceIf monsters you are killing are 9 levels higher or lower than you, Goblins will not drop anything. Return 30 Monster Weapon scrap pieces to Recruiter Payne so he can create weapon, which can defeat Mammon, and as a reward get a Box of War Hero, which can contain various rewards OR (For Dion server only) Recruiter Box ( can only be seen by characters lower than level 70 ) But your mission is not even close to be over! Aden army was destroyed while trying to fight the Demon, so now it's your turn! Take the weapon and prepare to fight! To get a special Monster Weapon, talk to Recruiter Payne. After that, wait for him to announce, that Demon Mammon is about to appear! He will make an announcement 30 minutes in advance, so all volunteers can come! You alone will never defeat the monster! As soon as Demon is about to come, talk to Payne again, and he will teleport you to the battlefield. The only way to kill Mammon - use a skill, which is appearing when given by Payne Monster Weapon being equipped Battlefield is a peaceful zone, so you don't need to be afraid to die, because you will not loose EXP As soon as you will defeat Mammon, Mimic Chest will appear for 1 minute. Talk to it to get extra Box of War Hero (you can take it once every 12 hours). At the same time, 2 flags - Flag of Victory and Flag of Sorrow will appear near Recruiter Payne and will stay there for 3 hours. Talk to one of them to get your reward. Flag of Victory: Gives a buff, which randomly increases 1 of stats* and EXP gain *1 of following stats, picked randomly: +STR +DEX +CON +WIT +INT +MENBuff improves every hour and lasts 4 hours in total. Level 1 buff give + 1 of random stat +3% EXP/SP Level 2 - no changes on stat +5% EXP/SP Level 3 - +2 of the same stat +9% EXP/SP Level 4 - no changes on stats +15% EXP/SP Flag of sorrow: Gives a buff, which randomly gives +1/-1 random stats* and EXP gain *1 of following stats sets, picked randomly: +STR -DEX +STR -CON +STR -WIT +STR -INT +STR -MEN +DEX -STR +DEX -CON +DEX -WIT +DEX -INT +DEX -MEN +CON -STR +CON -DEX +CON -WIT +CON -INT +CON -MEN +WIT -STR +WIT -DEX +WIT -CON +WIT -INT +WIT -MEN +INT -STR +INT -DEX +INT -CON +INT -WIT +INT -MEN +MEN -STR +MEN -DEX +MEN -CON +MEN -WIT +MEN -INT Buff improves every hour and lasts 4 hours in total. Level 1 buff gives +1/-1 of random stats +3% EXP/SP Level 2 - +2/-2 of the same stat +5% EXP/SP Level 3 - +3/-3 of the same stat +9% EXP/SP Level 4 - +4/-4 of the same stat +15% EXP/SP Either of these buffs can be taken once per 12 hours. Demon Mammon spawn interval - 5 hours. And if you thought that is it, you are wrong! The most exciting part for players level 60+ is just beginning! In preparation for a fight against an Evil, Recruiter Payne is searching for the best of the fighters he can find! So he offers everyone to pass the test he called "Show your Might"! "Show your Might" objective - to prove, that you are the strongest by winning against other players and engraving your name on a Flag pole! "Show your Might" will be running every 3 hours (0:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 Server time) To participate in the event, come to Payne within first 15 minutes of the Event start and he will teleport you to the Lobby. Lobby is a peaceful zone, where you can group up with other players, buff yourself or others or just hang around till Event starts. While teleporting to the Lobby all buffs will be removed! As soon as time will hit 15 minutes from the start, everyone will be teleported to the PvP arena. Players will be randomly teleported to one of 16 rooms by the border of the Arena, connected with other rooms by corridors with automatically closing and opening over time doors. If you are in the party with other players, participating in the event, it will NOT guarantee you teleporting close to other party members. PvP event starts there! So don't hesitate and kill everyone on your way for the final task! 9 rooms closer to the center of the Arena will have 4 Army Supply Crates. Each Army Supply Crate will have 1 of following potions: Extreme Swiftness potion - Increase movement speed by 150 for 10 seconds. Cooldown 5 min. Gorgonas Look potion - Puts target in a stone for 10 seconds. Cooldown 10 min. Gorgonas Love potion - Puts you in a stone for 20 seconds. Cooldown 15 min. Massive Cancel potion - Removes all buffs from target. Cooldown 20 min. Full Immunity potion - You are immune to damage/debuffs for 3 seconds. Cooldown 5 min. Massive Healing potion - Heals you for 100% in 10 seconds. Cooldown 10 min. Last Chance potion - Instantly heals you for 30% of HP. Cooldown 5 min. Sleeping potion - Causes your target to sleep for 10 seconds. Cooldown 2 min. Massive Mana potion - Regenerate 100% of your mana in 5 seconds. Cooldown 10 min. CP potion - Instantly regenerate 1200 CP. Cooldown 10 min. Invisibility potion - Makes you invisible for 15 seconds. Cooldown 20 min. Block Heal potion - Blocks target's 90% of received heal for 10 seconds. Cooldown 10 min. All potions will last for 60 minutes, they can not be used outside of "Show your Might!" Event area Only 1 potion per Crate! So if someone took the potion from the Crate, other players who will try to open it will get nothing! Not everyone will be able to grab potions, so make the best use of the ones you managed to get! And finally the last room in the middle will have a Flagpole! Use Imprint of Might skill to Imprint the Flagpole! Cast will take 3 minutes, so make sure other players are taken care of! Event finishes when the Flagpole was engraved or in 60 minutes since the start. Everyone, who participated in the Test, will be taken back to Lobby as they die or after Flagpole was engraved. There you will find Kayla the cat Talk to Kayla to get your participant reward (Box of War Hero) and to teleport back to town. Winner reward is: Rudiarius reward, which will contain 1 of following: Hat Coupon Event Agathion Coupon Event Holiday Golden Cloak + can get Box of War Hero from Kayla cat Event duration: 25.08.2023 - 15.09.2023 NPC will stay till 18.09.2023 Client update required in order to see Event NPCs and Items Good luck! Best regards, Classic Team Quote Share this post Link to post
Kse 1872 Report post Posted August 23, 2023 Event rewards are different for TI and Dion servers! TI server rewards: Box of War Hero contains: Large Firecracker Quick Healing Potion 1st Class Buff Scroll 2nd Class Buff Scroll Elixir of Life Elixir of Mind Fresh Beer Sealed Runes Proof of Blood EXP/SP scroll EXP/SP scroll - Normal EXP/SP scroll - Medium EXP/SP scroll - High Enchant Armor D Grade Enchant Armor C Grade Enchant Armor B Grade Enchant Armor A Grade Enchant Weapon D Grade Enchant Weapon C Grade Enchant Weapon B Grade Enchant Weapon A Grade Improved Scroll Enchant Armor D Improved Scroll Enchant Armor C Improved Scroll Enchant Armor B Improved Scroll Enchant Weapon D Improved Scroll Enchant Weapon C 3rd Class Spellbook Box Magical Cube Magic Tablet Cloth Piece Coupon Lottery Box Dion server rewards: Box of War Hero contains: Small Firecracker Large Firecracker 1st Class Buff Scroll 2nd Class Buff Scroll D-Grade Weapon Piece Box C-Grade Weapon Piece Box B-Grade Weapon Piece Box D-Grade Armor Piece Box C-Grade Armor Piece Box B-Grade Armor Piece Box D-Grade Jewel Piece Box C-Grade Jewel Piece Box B-Grade Jewel Piece Box Sealed Runes Box Minor Queen Ant's Ring Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Minor Orfen's Earring Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Minor Ring of Core Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Runic Cube 3 Days Magic Tablet Premium account Gift Box Death's Deal Certificate 50% Box Enchant Box Proof of Blood Death's Deal Certificate 80% Box Small Coupon Lottery Box Recruiter Box contains: Small Firecracker Large Firecracker 1st Class Buff Scroll 2nd Class Buff Scroll D-Grade Weapon Piece Box C-Grade Weapon Piece Box B-Grade Weapon Piece Box D-Grade Armor Piece Box C-Grade Armor Piece Box B-Grade Armor Piece Box D-Grade Jewel Piece Box C-Grade Jewel Piece Box B-Grade Jewel Piece Box Sealed Runes Box Minor Queen Ant's Ring Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Minor Orfen's Earring Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Minor Ring of Core Box (15 days Jewel, that is weaker than original) Runic Cube 3 Days Runic Cube 7 Days Premium account Gift Box Death's Deal Certificate 50% Box Enchant Box Proof of Blood Death's Deal Certificate 80% Box Small Coupon Lottery Box D-Grade Weapon Piece Box contains: Spoiler Saber Blade Steel Sword Blade Assassin Knife Edge Trident Edge Spinebone Sword Blade Mace of Judgment Head Conjuror's Staff Head Dwarven Trident Edge Elven Bow Shaft Two-handed Sword Edge Spiked Club Head Shilen Knife Edge Gastraphetes Shaft Crucifix of Blood Piece Sword of Revolution Blade Heavy Bone Club Head Morning Star Head Skull Breaker Head Tarbar Head Lesser Giant's Hammer Piece Cursed Maingauche Edge Maingauche Edge War Pick Head Winged Spear Blade Bich'Hwa Edge Reinforced Longbow Shaft Elven Long Sword Blade Claymore Blade Staff of Life Shaft Atuba Hammer Head Atuba Mace Head Ghost Staff Head Bonebreaker Head Mithril Dagger Blade Glaive Edge Scallop Jamadhr Edge Light Crossbow Shaft C-Grade Weapon Piece Box contains: Spoiler Stormbringer Blade Flamberge Blade Stick of Faith Shaft Crystal Staff Head Heavy Doom Axe Blade Heavy Doom Hammer Head Battle Axe Head Big Hammer Head Silver Axe Head Skull Graver Head Cursed Dagger Blade Dark Elven Dagger Edge Body Slasher Blade Orcish Glaive Blade Scythe Edge Chakram Edge Crystallized Ice Bow Shaft Katana Blade Raid Sword Blade Shamshir Blade Spirit Sword Blade Cursed Staff Head Dwarven War Hammer Head Soulfire Dirk Blade Stiletto Edge Noble Elven Bow Shaft Elemental Crossbow Shaft Homunkulus' Sword Blade Sword of Whispering Death Blade Caliburs Edge Delusional Blade Sword of Nightmare Blade Tsurugi Blade Mace of Underworld Head Nirvana Axe Blade Stick of Eternity Shaft Inferno Staff Head Pa'agrio Hammer Head Paradia Staff Head Sage's Staff Head War Axe Blade Pa'agrio Axe Blade Dark Screamer Edge Grace Dagger Edge Poleaxe Blade Scorpion Blade Widowmaker Head Fisted Blade Piece Akat Longbow Shaft Samurai Long Sword Blade Berserker Blade Edge Deadman's Staff Head Demon's Staff Head Ghoul's Staff Head Yaksa Mace Head Crystal Dagger Blade Orcish Poleaxe Blade Great Pata Blade Eminence Bow Shaft B-Grade Weapon Piece Box contains: Spoiler Sword of Valhalla Blade Keshanberk Blade Great Sword Blade Spirit's Staff Head Heavy War Axe Head Twilight Knife Edge Kris Edge Great Axe Head Pata Blade Arthro Nail Blade Dark Elven Longbow Shaft Damascus Sword Blade Evil Spirit Head Art of Battle Axe Blade Deadman's Glory Stone Demon's Dagger Edge Lance Blade Bellion Cestus Edge Bow of Peril Shaft D-Grade Armor Piece Box contains: Spoiler Brigandine Helmet Design Brigandine Shield Fragment Manticore Skin Boot Lining Elven Mithril Glove Design Brigandine Temper Brigandine Gaiter Material Manticore Skin Shirt Texture Manticore Skin Gaiter Pattern Mithril Tunic Fabric Mithril Stocking Design C-Grade Armor Piece Box contains: Spoiler Chain Hood Pattern Chain Shield Fragment Full Plate Helmet Design Full Plate Shield Fragment Reinforced Mithril Boot Design Plated Leather Boot Lining Karmian Glove Fabric Chain Mail Shirt Material Chain Gaiter Fragment Full Plate Armor Temper Reinforced Mithril Shirt Fabric Reinforced Mithril Gaiter Fragment Plated Leather Armor Fragment Plated Leather Gaiters Material Karmian Tunic Pattern Karmian Stocking Design Compound Helmet Design Compound Shield Fragment Theca Leather Boot Texture Drake Leather Boot Design Divine Glove Pattern Compound Armor Temper Theca Leather Armor Pattern Theca Leather Gaiter Pattern Drake Leather Armor Texture Divine Tunic Fabric Divine Stocking Pattern B-Grade Armor Piece Box contains: Spoiler Avadon Shield Fragment Sealed Avadon Circlet Pattern Sealed Avadon Glove Fragment Sealed Avadon Boot Design Sealed Zubei's Helmet Design Sealed Zubei's Gauntlet Fragment Sealed Zubei's Boot Design Avadon Breastplate Part Avadon Gaiter Material Zubei's Breastplate Part Zubei's Gaiter Material Zubei's Leather Shirt Fabric Zubei's Leather Gaiter Texture Avadon Leather Armor Lining Tunic of Zubei Fabric Stockings of Zubei Fabric Avadon Robe Fabric Doom Shield Fragment Sealed Doom Helmet Design Sealed Doom Glove Fragment Sealed Doom Boot Fragment Sealed Blue Wolf Helmet Design Sealed Blue Wolf Glove Fabric Sealed Blue Wolf Boot Design Doom Plate Armor Temper Blue Wolf Breastplate Part Blue Wolf Gaiter Material Blue Wolf Leather Armor Texture Leather Armor of Doom Design Blue Wolf Tunic Fabric Blue Wolf Stocking Pattern Tunic of Doom Pattern Stockings of Doom Pattern D-Grade Jewel Piece Box contains: Spoiler Elven Ring Piece Tiger's Eye Stone Necklace of Devotion Chain Mithril Ring Wire Onyx Beast's Eye Earring Gemstone Dark Necklace Gem C-Grade Jewel Piece Box contains: Spoiler Aquastone Ring Wire Moonstone Earring Wire Aquastone Necklace Chain Ring of Seal Gemstone Nassen's Earring Gemstone Necklace of Seal Chain B-Grade Jewel Piece Box contains: Spoiler Adamantite Ring Wire Adamantite Earring Gemstone Adamantite Necklace Chain Black Ore Ring Gemstone Black Ore Earring Piece Black Ore Necklace Beads Sealed Rune Box contains: Spoiler Sealed Rune - Stage 1 Sealed Rune - Stage 2 Sealed Rune - Stage 3 Sealed Rune - Stage 4 Sealed Rune - Stage 5 Sealed Rune - Stage 6 Enchant Box contains: Spoiler Enchant Weapon D Grade Enchant Weapon C Grade Enchant Weapon B Grade Enchant Armor D Grade Enchant Armor C Grade Enchant Armor B Grade NOTE! You will randomly get 1 of presented in Boxes item, not all of them at once 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Poseidon 452 Report post Posted August 25, 2023 Box contains: Large Firecracker Quote Share this post Link to post