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New player question

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Hello there fellows


I am currently downloading the client and cant wait to start here. I have a few questions.

My favourite class by far is the Dark Avenger. Is he a viable choice in this client/server.

I can probably spend 2-3 hours per day on average. Will that be ok in order to level up without wasting ages?

How hard will it be for me to get C Grade equipment since if i understand correctly thats what most people currently have.

Is the server worth starting for a rather casual player?

Should i try and go for solo xp? Or will it be a wise choice to go premioum and level Buffer and Spoiler at the same time?



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In my opinion the DA is a very good option even without the beast soulshots. Well, about getting C grade equipment it all depends on your luck on the hunts, but i think the best option and im talking to everybody is to make parties, even random ones to maximise prophit and xp, and if you are a good lurer you can make very nice xp with some AOE parties. 

If the server worth staying for casuals? Absolutely. Since nobody can reach lvl 70+ at the moment and the top equips are grade C and a few B, you can't see any pt that is OP for the point that can face 2-3 pts easily. 

About the supports, i think if you dont have too much time for looking for pts and your play time is different than the majority, it would be nice to have a pp with you, so you can exp solo.

So, enjoy your DA, the server is lacking of tankers =)

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Thank you for your answer.

I like the fact that the server is lacking tanker, cause man on low rates they are absolute beasts and i also like standing out from the rest.

It will be easier to find parties with a tank i guess as well yea?

I for the start try and see how i can go without a buffer and then i will decide if i will get premioum to be honest. Sadly i cant have a stable schedule in order to find a CP cause that requires spending lots of hours, but i intend to find a good pve clan to start.

One last point. My timezone is GMT+2 so i hope that peak hours in europe are almost the same as mine

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Good, nice to have you with us. Well, i can tell you that almost all parties are using sws/bd as tankers, but it is not the same thing, their agressions sucks xD

I think it will be no problem to find pts and yeah, tanks are beasts on this version, take a look on the last video posted on the server's facebook.

Good luck and cya in game.


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Thank you for your answer.

I like the fact that the server is lacking tanker, cause man on low rates they are absolute beasts and i also like standing out from the rest.

It will be easier to find parties with a tank i guess as well yea?

I for the start try and see how i can go without a buffer and then i will decide if i will get premioum to be honest. Sadly i cant have a stable schedule in order to find a CP cause that requires spending lots of hours, but i intend to find a good pve clan to start.

One last point. My timezone is GMT+2 so i hope that peak hours in europe are almost the same as mine

​1.3 update is comming, Enchanted Valley will be added and this map is way easier for solo lvling than Dragon Valley, you can reach 60 by patience

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