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About soro

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/27/1992

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  1. soro

    First 80lvl

    I'm still waiting for the prime America promised by WS kkkkkk
  2. soro

    First 80lvl

    complaint with google translator haha.
  3. soro

    First 80lvl

    TFD was the only prime America of the ws the rest has never done anything And about prime america lost all ws / all chinese and all tfd at least for now. We are waiting for some update. Google Fail.
  6. because my friend Kim left the clan for us. And he knows exactly what he said in the ts.
  7. after several defeats a win in the evening
  8. soro


    When will Kiam appear in prime America? Or become a forum player?
  9. He said something and regretted it. He said something and regretted it. (kiam) (fuck the translator)
  10. When will you assume that you gave and that you said you would never go back? and that neither bizz would return? the meeting had more people than me. still said that ws would not go back and we had better create a side
  11. Balu Always Pmed me so full of himself and his accomplishments in baium, but after the Blue Side killed Baium for the first time he blocked me , are you afraid of my answers? (translator) #unblockCDV
  12. Why do you still wear jewelry b? I thought that grade A was the middle
  13. You're a joke In what we leave we get rid of the trash called ws.
  14. soro


    while a person who did not use bot is being harmed, in toi in prime asiatica the bot is loose and out that if it were not our clan mtr was there until today free bot