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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/15 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I as a previous server owner would be interested in what the admin/dev team is doing on bug fixes or adding features. I think many others would like to know aswell when even the smallest bugs are fixed. Its something i did on my forums, making topics every day with fixes we did. Its interesting for some and it keeps your players happy that they see changes happening on the server. Maybe this could have been posted in suggestions... Ah well ;p
  2. 4 points
    There are over 11.000 HTML's to translate. It takes time folks, give us a break and be grateful for the efforts we did. Its not like any of you is paying us for our service, we are doing it for the love of Lineage 2 Classic. We will translate them all, just takes time. Hope everyone understands.
  3. 1 point
    Yes, we have the same problem on Rapid Shot, its just a visual problem on the stats window, will be fixed this days.
  4. 1 point
    It does, it might just not update the stats window, but server side it does give. We will verify it and fix it. Thank you.
  5. 1 point
    Elf Habilidades Elf Fighter Habilidades Elf Knight Habilidades Temple Knight Habilidades Sword Singer Habilidades Elf Scout Habilidades Plain Walker Habilidades Silver Ranger Habilidades Elf Mage Habilidades Elf Wizard Habilidades Spell Singer Habilidades Elemental Summoner Habilidades Elf Oracle Habilidades Elven Elder  Â
  6. 1 point
    We perform some tests and we had named earlier that it will be more frequent reboots in OBT.
  7. 1 point
    are you guys just stupid ? The TE is more as right. The adena drop rate isnt x20 its 1x like on official. official drop : 500 a classic beta : 500 a ( here with x20 rates ) classic : 80 adena ( when 16% adena rate is correct with normal xp rate) classic beta with correct x20 rates = ... come on guys.. tell me ... i bet you can do the math. more math ? retail xp 2.000 xp adena 500 classic xp 1.500 adena 80 classix xp beta 30.000 xp 500 adena so... you get 20x xp.. but only 6 times the adena.. you can decide whats "harder" to play.. the only bonus you have.. you still make profit while using shots.. .. there are alot of ppl who are 40+ who dont even have top D grade gear.
  8. 1 point
    Согласен с вами ребята, есть ошибки надеюсь все исправят,а так стараюсь сам сюда всех знакомых друзей зову,прямо ностальгия по старым хроникам))
  9. 1 point
    Can't wait anymore!!!
  10. 1 point
    50% серв готов, надеюсь админы норм все подкрутят и мы будет играть в удовольствие...
  11. 1 point
    Да, когда обещали 10 мая обт, а 15 запуск, админ клялся и божился что все тип-топ, ну вот сами видите, насколько все тип-топ)
  12. 1 point
    Зачем? Если ты русский язык то не знаешь А по теме - читай форум. Админ отписывался по этому поводу уже. p.s: Позже будет патч для рус аудитории
  13. 1 point
    Учебником по русскому языку уебать по пальцам
  14. 1 point
    yeah i've seen at least 4 languages in shout channel, and guess what?i dont care
  15. 1 point
    Yo de primera pensé que seria un Fake este proyecto, pero dándole una oportunidad noto que no está tan mal. De hecho, no me he topado con ningún bug ya sea de quest, grocery, buy/sell, nada. Así que aquí hay gente con muy mala suerte. Realmente lo encuentro bien para ser un proyecto tan verde. Sea como sea que lograron hacer funcionar el L2Classic no esta nada mal. Y que bueno que es OBT, así salen a flote todos los bugs. Pero como El amigo Darlik dice, es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado. Aqui a nadie se le critica por dar su opinion, pero vamos que los argumentos son muy tontos. Es una OBT y mas encima de un proyecto privado no se que pretenden y esperan. Juegos Triple AAA hacen OBT de meses... y estamos hablando de compañías incomparables en calidad y personal, osea por favor pensar un poquito antes por que de verdad pareciera que les duele el cerebro al pensar un poco.
  16. 1 point
    Ta buena la onda de que haya gente argentina viejo.. toy probando la beta a ver como es la movida.. y si todo marcha bien veo de jugar.. puedo jugar de cualkier support.. pero veremos.. en cuanto al lag.. WTfast es la solucion eh.. yo lo tengo ahora abierto y va como trompada..
  17. 1 point
    y que pretendes, si cuando entras lo primero que ves es todos los npc en ruso. Si vas a la tienda y te cobran la adena pero no te dan objetos. si los mobs sueltan adena un 30% de las veces y no el 70% esto no es una beta, es un alfa. y sobre todo, esto no es l2classic.
  18. 1 point
    ​Thanks! I'll do it. I really hope it runs through MAC... ​IP doesn´t matter... 1 client each pc / mac premium 2 clients pc / mac 3 pc´s .. well 3 clients.. and so on.. there is no IP restriction
  19. 1 point
    Well, I'm russian. But if I want somebody to understand me, I write my messages in English.Buy if I want to be understood only by russians, I speak Russian)
  20. 1 point
    По добре Templar Knight (от двата танка) по добре фарми соло ништо нищо че е малко по скъп (консумативи) Silver ranger е по доброто решение за класика все пак тук range героите са на почит... Лесен фамр соло/парти и не е кои знае колко скъпо (консумативи) подробно да се обясни за всяка класа ще отнеме време и много страници форум ако искаш повече инфо пиши ЛС или в игра може скайп и така нататък.
  21. 1 point
    ​it would be clever to post your own pic if you start a topic like this
  22. 1 point
    ​Los voy subiendo de a poco HuMa Elfos: http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/531-lineage-2-classic-10-elf-fightermage-skill/ Orcos: http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/536-lineage-2-classic-10-orc-fightermage-skill/ Dwarf: http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/537-lineage-2-classic-10-dwarf-fighter-skill/  Â
  23. 1 point
    ​No hay problema con eso! yo no tengo ningun problema de crear un post con los skilles de todas las clases para la comunidad de habla Hispana Â