first of all, those who played L2 before already know how to make adena, so getting gear won't be a problem for them. secondly, if people want to have competitive clans, they'll have to get skills too. and to get clan skills guess what you need: items from RBs. the drop rate of items itself doesn't matter, since if people will keep farming RBs on daily basis, be it common or epics, they'll get what they need eventually in due time. but if it's all "delusional" for you, then simply don't bother about it. SWS were never meant to be tankers, they're supporters just like BDs. However, since SWS will get a silence skill in classic, they might actually be a worse pain in the ass for healers and/or casters in general compared to what tanks can do, especially if you get rooted right after getting silenced.