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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. @San0@Koll Tell us guys if this poll will be valid poll for making this change. What time we need for vote or, do we have to get to specific number of votes so actions can be taken?
  2. Yes, but if you dont record your ass then no one can prove that you are using this sh1t. He was retarded he recorded proof against him, but many can use without anyone knowing about it. I still have the same opinion, they should be deleted from casltes, I hope after advantage in numbers Vote for YES will do it. 2k extra cp and circlet is alrdy too big advantage and it is enough.
  3. CHNpop he just stood there like gladiator and didnt run with program spam QHP. Just spam f1 (Fatal counter)
  4. He got banned and deleted the video. Actually he killed me and two other members and survived in fight with full pt because spamming QHP.
  5. At that time Unique was out already. When Unique was in we werent in ally I didn't lie
  6. Yes we clearly dominate in EU prime. That doesn't change the fact, you still triple us in numbers in siege so yeah. Have a nice day
  7. VR + pride + WW + ROK + Soulmate + Unique I agree, AN and Jungle were not in the ally at that time and were still farming. Dude, you cant keep denny that you are a zerg. Clearly you guys are. VR side never had that many more numbers as you have now. I joined Vigi because when I first time watched siege video I saw you guys have much more numbers than VR.
  8. I don't need to answer to your all post. Sorry, I dont lie Im just saying what I see. Remind me how many numbers we and you had on siege? This is good way to compare sides numbers (siege)
  9. Ofc, ask Anathema. Im running solo a lot of times, and I don't care if I die or win. Its fun for me About the 1 v 8, yes you win because you kill two dds first, 1 or 2 are boxes and rest are suport who can do sh1t to you. And you are 76 so we cant even dream of landing debuff on you. Izi
  10. Ofc, you are a hero. No Wonder when this cam appears at night mighty dajtovillage comming to spread his superiority. Tell me how many Times you failed ganking us. Because this one time or two you recorded werent the only times you ganked us. Rest Times you were dying to us. I will fraps your ganks from now on to have proof. Anyway, you said you done with me so why keep replying me? Are you not consequent person.
  11. Well, let's give him a Chance. @Stiba007 lets finish this dispute on the battle field. Your best CP, vs Violence CP. Just let us know if you are up for that.
  12. BlackJaklina is your cam. Stop lying. We all know that. This cam is everyday in ab for hours, staying on 3way or top or hill.
  13. Hehehe, Archer pt soemtimes should gank and TT parties never do it. I don't talk about farming in ab. Well when we had only two dds to fight you on AB, none debuff landed its obvious you will slaughter us as necro. Watch your video and make sure how many dds we were. You always waited for someone to leave soe or whatever when trying to gank. You are 76 necro, so stop with this bullshit. We fight everyday with more numerous Terroristas, ES, TFD parties and mostly we win as I proved on my video so please dont spread lies. Tell me why BizQQ keep pming Eulogist about Jungle joining Perkunas and getting free protection when farm?
  14. Looking for suport from Rizo? What you trying to do? Everyone knows Stiba your clan suck dont compete, never beat us in fair fight. You are a total meat shields. What do you know about pvp sitting all your life in FOM/SOS? DO you really think your own ally members respect you? Everyone laugh at TT and you are a clown. We fight for ab everday what you simply and your izi archer pt cant do. End of the story!
  15. Anytime is trustfull and respective person, unless like many of us. All I say saying that we cry because we complain about lack of fair play sometimes is not a good excuse.
  16. I didn't ask that guy to make screenies. You lost first one, so BizQQ decided to call all you had. No matter how many fought, I was told you bring 7 parties to loa. Let's ask WW how it really was, some trustfull person and close this debate @Anytime?
  17. Ah I understand you. So Nosferatu only "walked you to the door" losing time to go in the loa?
  18. Maybe I wasn't in ally at the time, who cares. This doesn't excuse you at all. You don't denny that info so that is the true, you really bring what you had all ally at the time to kick WW from loa. You can tell Nosferatu friends their peacefull farm is ending. We gonna pk them from now on.
  19. Let's say I had the info yesterday from member of your side. What he informed me, you also took Nosferatu and TT puppeets 60+ to help you in pvp in loa. Shame and disgrace for your ally leader.
  20. You can say I cry when I lose pvp with legit player and complain about it. It is not the crying, it is bringing justice and fair play. Same like, you comming with zerg to kill us and tell us crying when we point out your pathetic numbers. Ysterday you were 7 parties against 3 Westworld parties. Telling apponent that he is crying is only one comeback you can come up with, because you win because a zerg and thats it. Telling us that we "crying" is still not a good excuse for you zerging.
  21. Look guys what is really hilarious, @Stiba007 told all clan to vote NO. Ahahaha
  22. No, I got wrecked but I didnt create topic. After someone sent me video I created this topic because I saw unfair fight. You think was that pvp fair? PR fighting in close combat like gladiator with not so much hp and cp he has? If they were 2 phantom rangers they would kill us all. This is no right
  23. I think you should get out, because 86% people who voted are against QHP. They are probably most active ppl in the server. Don't forget to leave for us Giran CH because your clan is wasting it.
  24. It's me again! We currently looking for Blade Dancer, or driver for our ready BD char, Bishop and Elven Elder. Feel free to pm Zacman, Myrciu, or Eulogist.