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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    Unlikely, I never meet Modoy alone in Blazing
  2. Myrtan

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    Nice video, too bad you have to set up fights with chinesse/ES in coliseum rather than on real battlefield. At least you can have some competitive fights in LOA. We need a bit more exp and we will make you guys a new competition @BlackJack seems like you Necro 76 even died in this fight against unprepared lvl 60-70 pt, got ressurected and spammed "LOL" after the fight. This makes this thing even more hilarious
  3. Myrtan

    Jungle Wars (3)

    If you had more brain cells maybe you would know that there is something called "shift" in work. Calling me pizdabol and getting orgasm when comming with two parties of 70+ perkunas to AB and killing ppl 60+, and spamming "LOL" with such an excitement. You are a joke
  4. Myrtan

    Jungle Wars (3)

    Something like: "blowing eachother for ally = priority"
  5. Myrtan

    Jungle Wars (3)

    Y, very fun fight. Too bad opposite side cant understand it that playing wit more wars would be much more fun if we had 3 or even 4 sides fights everydays.
  6. EE position taken! We still looking for Blade Dancer or driver for our char!
  7. Yes, we are melee CP so to farm in loa we need specific levels to farm in spots which will be better than AB top or hill. Now we dont concentrate on gathering adena, now we need keep farming to all reach 70+
  8. Hey, hey for now we concentrate only on AB because it is the best exp for us. About LOA we will think, when rest members get at least lvl 70+. Thanks for advice, if we will need we will make change to our build in the future. For now, we are fine with two DDs
  9. Last slot in our CP for any Blade Dancer 65+ or driver, who willing to play our ready BD 65 char!
  10. The best solo grinder for me imho is Warlord. Very fast farm because he really dont need pt for trains so can do trains alone and have all exp for himself.
  11. We found our Bishop! Still we are looking for Elven Elder and Blade Dancer or driver for our ready BD. If you are interested in joining or for more info pm: Myrciu, KingLeonidas, Zacman, Eulogist in game
  12. Why would he go back to zerg, which flame him?
  13. Till the part you forced log first. I got bored and went sleep after :D
  14. Modoy part is hilarious but obvious, but these helpless terroristas
  15. Well Cinematic is good, but characters in it look like band of clowns from circus rather than real heroes who go to kill a dragon.
  16. Im talking only from Jungle perspective not WW, SM or NF. Im reffering only to JGL abg fights now.
  17. Better check your leader posts. It's not me who come up with TT first. He always trashtalking commenting, not to mention his lack of knowledgle. I just reply him the truth If he stop his bullshit trashtalk under evety of my posts, I will stop replying him. Simple and obvious. You should talk to this brain damaged dude not me...
  18. And the Kure is German...
  19. You know what happens between WW and JGL. Without it, this side would be stronger. Ysterday funny fight happened in AB. WW, vs JGL vs Anathema + Nosferatu. What would happen without this conflict?
  20. How do I embarass myself. It's truth Kure
  21. Well, one more Jungle pt wouldnt be a zerg.
  22. Jungle could come to help. Oh wait! AD prefer to fuck up with the rest "ally" remainings than uniting them. Funny thing is, with all of us we could win and close the loa.
  23. Whatever dude now. I finished with this offtopic. You guys are not the zerg, we are the zerg. End of the conversation